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The EPANET-Matlab Toolkit is an open-source software, originally developed by the KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks of the University of Cyprus which operates within the Matlab environment, for providing a programming interface for the latest version of EPANET, a hydraulic and quality modeling software created by the US EPA, with Matlab, a high-level technical computing software. The goal of the EPANET Matlab Toolkit is to serve as a common programming framework for research and development in the growing field of smart water networks.

The EPANET-Matlab Toolkit features easy to use commands/wrappers for viewing, modifying, simulating and plotting results produced by the EPANET libraries.

For support, please use the OWA community forum :

Table of Contents

How to cite

D.G. Eliades, M. Kyriakou, S. Vrachimis and M.M. Polycarpou, "EPANET-MATLAB Toolkit: An Open-Source Software for Interfacing EPANET with MATLAB", in Proc. 14th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI), The Netherlands, Nov 2016, p.8. (doi:10.5281/zenodo.831493)

author={Eliades, Demetrios G. and Kyriakou, Marios and Vrachimis, Stelios and Polycarpou, Marios M.}, 
title={EPANET-MATLAB Toolkit: An Open-Source Software for Interfacing EPANET with MATLAB}, 
booktitle={Proc. 14th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI)}, 
address = {The Netherlands},

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How to install necessary compilers

In order to use the EPANET-MATLAB-Toolkit the MinGW-w64 compiler must be install:

How to install MinGW-w64 compiler #Matlab

In case you have a version of matlab older than 2015b install the Windows SDK compiler :

How to install MinGW-w64 compiler #Matlab

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How to use the Toolkit

Detailed examples on how to use the toolkit can be found in the publication of the Toolkit , together with the code. A presentation of its use is also provided here.

To start, you need to download the folder from GitHub (e.g., Download ZIP), set the run path in Matlab within the saved folder, and run RunTests.m. This will execute all the commands which have been implemented in the Class.

Minimum Example:




Help Functions:

help d.plot

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How to fix/report bugs

To fix a bug Fork the EPANET-Matlab Toolkit, Edit the code and make the appropriate change, and then Pull it so that we evaluate it.

Keep in mind that some bugs may exist in the EPANET libraries, in case you are not receiving the expected results.

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  • EPANET: Public Domain
  • EPANET-MSX: GNU Lesser General Public License
  • EPANET-Matlab Toolkit: EUPL

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The EPANET-Matlab Toolkit is based/inspired on the EPANET-Matlab Toolkit as well as the OpenWaterAnalytics EPANET-Matlab Wrappers

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List of Matlab Class Functions

Function Description
epanet Load Input file and open the EPANET Toolkit system
unload Unload library and close the EPANET Toolkit system
loadEPANETFile Open the EPANET Toolkit system
getError Returns the description of an error code
getComputedHydraulicTimeSeries Computed Hydraulic Time Series
getComputedQualityTimeSeries Computed Quality Time Series
getComputedTimeSeries Computed Hydraulic & Quality Time Series using the bimary file who created from executable
getComputedTimeSeries_ENepanet Computed Hydraulic & Quality Time Series via ENepanet binary file
getConnectivityMatrix Return connectivity matrix of the network
getCounts Retrieves the number of network components
getControlRulesCount Retrieves the number of control rules
getControls Retrieves the controls
getCurveCount Retrieves the number of curves
getCurveIndex Retrieves index of curve with specific ID
getCurveLengths Retrieves number of points in a curve
getCurveNameID Retrieves curve id
getCurveType Retrieves the curve-type (VOLUME, PUMP, EFFICIENCY, HEADLOSS, GENERAL)
getCurveTypeIndex Retrieves the curve-type index for all curves
getCurveValue Retrieves (x,y) values of specific curve index
getCurveXY Retrieves (x,y) values of all curves
getDemandModel Retrieves the type of demand model in use and its parameters
getENfunctionsImpemented Retrieves the epanet functions that have been developed
getFlowUnits Retrieves the units used to express all flow rates
getLibFunctions Retrieves the functions of DLL
getLinkActualQuality Current computed link quality (read only)
getLinkBulkReactionCoeff Bulk chemical reaction coefficient
getLinkComment Retrieves the comment string assigned to the link object
getLinkCount Retrieves the number of links
getLinkDiameter Retrieves the value of all link diameters
getLinkEnergy Current computed pump energy usage (read only)
getLinkFlows Current computed flow rate (read only)
getLinkHeadloss Current computed head loss (read only)
getLinkIndex Retrieves the indices of all links, or the indices of an ID set of links
getLinkInitialSetting Retrieves the value of all link roughness for pipes or initial speed for pumps or initial setting for valves
getLinkInitialStatus Retrieves the value of all link initial status
getLinkLength Retrieves the value of all link lengths
getLinkMinorLossCoeff Retrieves the value of all link minor loss coefficients
getLinkNameID Retrieves the ID label(s) of all links, or the IDs of an index set of links
getLinkNodesIndex-getNodesConnectingLinksIndex Retrieves the indexes of the from/to nodes of all links
getLinkPipeCount Retrieves the number of pipes
getLinkPipeIndex Retrieves the indices of pipes
getLinkPipeNameID Retrieves the pipe IDs
getLinkPumpCount Retrieves the number of pumps
getLinkPumpEfficiency Retrieves the value of all computed efficiency
getLinkPumpHeadCurveIndex Retrieves index of a head curve for specific link index
getLinkPumpIndex Retrieves the indices of pumps
getLinkPumpNameID Retrieves the pump IDs
getLinkPumpPatternIndex Pump speed time pattern index
getLinkPumpPatternNameID Retrieves the pump pattern IDs
getLinkPumpPower Pump constant power rating
getLinkPumpHCurve Pump head v. flow curve index
getLinkPumpECurve Pump efficiency v. flow curve index
getLinkPumpECost Pump average energy price
getLinkPumpEPat Pump energy price time pattern index
getLinkPumpType Retrieves the type of a pump for specific link index
getLinkPumpTypeCode Retrieves the type code of a pump for specific link index
getLinkPumpState Current computed pump state (read only) (see @ref EN_PumpStateType)
getLinkPumpSwitches Calculates the number of pump switches
getLinkResultIndex Retrieves the order in which a link's results were saved to an output file. (EPANET Version 2.2)
getLinkRoughnessCoeff Retrieves the value of all link roughness
getLinkSettings Retrieves the value of all computed link roughness for pipes or actual speed for pumps or actual setting for valves
getLinkStatus Current link status (see @ref EN_LinkStatusType)
getLinkType Retrieves the link-type for all links
getLinkTypeIndex Retrieves the link-type code for all links
getLinkValveCount Retrieves the number of valves
getLinkValveIndex Retrieves the indices of valves
getLinkValveNameID Retrieves the valve IDs
getLinkVelocity Current computed flow velocity (read only)
getLinkVertices Retrieves the coordinate's of a vertex point assigned to a link.
getLinkVerticesCount Retrieves the number of internal vertex points assigned to a link
getLinkWallReactionCoeff Pipe wall chemical reaction coefficient
getNodeActualDemand Retrieves the computed value of all actual demands
getNodeActualDemandSensingNodes Retrieves the computed demand values at some sensing nodes
getNodeActualQuality Retrieves the computed values of the actual quality for all nodes
getNodeActualQualitySensingNodes Retrieves the computed quality values at some sensing nodes
getNodeBaseDemands Retrieves the value of all node base demands
getNodeComment Retrieves the comment string assigned to the node object
getNodeCoordinates Retrieves coordinate x, y, and x, y vertices for a node
getNodeCount Retrieves the number of nodes
getNodePatternIndex Retrieves the value of all node pattern indices
getNodeDemandDeficit Retrieves the amount that full demand is reduced under PDA. (EPANET Version 2.2)
getNodeDemandPatternIndex Retrieves the value of all node demand pattern indices
getNodeDemandPatternNameID Retrieves the value of all node demand pattern IDs
getNodeElevations Retrieves the value of all node elevations
getNodeEmitterCoeff Retrieves the value of all node emmitter coefficients
getNodeHydaulicHead Retrieves the computed values of all hydraulic heads
getNodeIndex Retrieves the indices of all nodes or some nodes with a specified ID
getNodeInitialQuality Retrieves the value of all node initial quality
getNodeJunctionCount Retrieves the number of junctions
getNodeJunctionDemandName Gets the name of a node's demand category
getNodeJunctionIndex Retrieves the junctions indices
getNodeJunctionNameID Retrieves the junctions IDs
getNodeJunctionDemandIndex Retrieves the demand index of the junctions. (EPANET Version 2.2)
getNodeMassFlowRate Retrieves the computed mass flow rates per minute of chemical sources
getNodeNameID Retrieves the ID label of all nodes or some nodes with a specified index
getNodeDemandCategoriesNumber Retrieves the number of demand categories for a node
getNodePressure Retrieves the computed values of all node pressures
getNodeReservoirCount Retrieves the number of reservoirs
getNodeReservoirIndex Retrieves the indices of reservoirs
getNodeReservoirNameID Retrieves the reservoirs IDs
getNodeResultIndex Retrieves the order in which a node's results were saved to an output file. (EPANET Version 2.2)
getNodeSourcePatternIndex Retrieves the value of all node source pattern index
getNodeSourceQuality Retrieves the value of all nodes source quality
getNodeSourceType Retrieves the value of all node source type
getNodeTankData Retrieves a group of properties for a tank. (EPANET Version 2.2)
getNodeTankBulkReactionCoeff Retrieves the tank bulk rate coefficient
getNodeTankCanOverFlow Retrieves the tank can overflow (= 1) or not (= 0)
getNodeTankCount Retrieves the number of tanks
getNodeTankDiameter Retrieves the tank diameters
getNodeTankIndex Retrieves the indices of tanks
getNodeTankInitialLevel Retrieves the value of all tank initial water levels
getNodeTankInitialWaterVolume Retrieves the tank initial volume
getNodeTankMaximumWaterVolume Retrieves maximum water volume
getNodeTankMaximumWaterLevel Retrieves the tank maximum water level
getNodeTankMixingFraction Retrieves the tank Fraction of total volume occupied by the inlet/outlet zone in a 2-compartment tank
getNodeTankMinimumWaterLevel Retrieves the tank minimum water level
getNodeTankMinimumWaterVolume Retrieves the tank minimum volume
getNodeTankMixZoneVolume Retrieves the tank mixing zone volume
getNodeTankMixingModelCode Retrieves the tank mixing model code
getNodeTankMixingModelType Retrieves the tank mixing model type (mix1, mix2, fifo, lifo)
getNodeTankNameID Retrieves the tanks IDs
getNodeTankReservoirCount Retrieves the number of tanks
getNodeTankVolume Retrieves the tank volume
getNodeTankVolumeCurveIndex Retrieves the tank volume curve index
getNodeType Retrieves the node-type for all nodes
getNodeTypeIndex Retrieves the node code-index for all nodes
getNodesConnectingLinksID Retrieves the id of the from/to nodes of all links
getOptionsAccuracyValue Retrieve the analysis convergence criterion (0.001)
getOptionsDemandCharge Retrieve energy price pattern
getOptionsSpecificGravity Retrieves the specific gravity (EPANET Version 2.2)
getOptionsSpecificViscosity Retrieves the specific viscosity (EPANET Version 2.2)
getOptionsExtraTrials Retrieves the extra trials allowed if hydraulics don't converge (EPANET Version 2.2)
getOptionsCheckFrequency Retrieves the frequency of hydraulic status checks (EPANET Version 2.2)
getOptionsMaximumCheck Retrieves the maximum trials for status checking. (EPANET Version 2.2)
getOptionsEmitterExponent Retrieve power exponent for the emmitters (0.5)
getOptionsFlowChange Retrieve flow change
getOptionsGlobalEffic Retrieve global efficiency pumps
getOptionsGlobalPrice Retrieve global average energy price per kW-Hour
getOptionsGlobalPattern Retrieve global pattern
getOptionsHeadError Retrieve the head error
getOptionsHeadLossFormula Retrieve headloss formula code (Hazen-Williams, Darcy-Weisbach or Chezy-Manning)
getOptionsMaxTrials Retrieve maximum number of analysis trials
getOptionsPatternDemandMultiplier Retrieve the demand multiplier (x1)
getOptionsQualityTolerance Retrieve the water quality analysis tolerance
getOptionsDampLimit Retrieves the accuracy level where solution damping begins. (EPANET Version 2.2)
getOptionsSpecificDiffusivity Retrieves the specific diffusivity (relative to chlorine at 20 deg C). (EPANET Version 2.2)
getOptionsPipeBulkReactionOrder Retrieves the bulk water reaction order for pipes. (EPANET Version 2.2)
getOptionsPipeWallReactionOrder Retrieves the wall reaction order for pipes (either 0 or 1). (EPANET Version 2.2)
getOptionsTankBulkReactionOrder Retrieves the bulk water reaction order for tanks. (EPANET Version 2.2)
getOptionsLimitingConcentration Retrieves the limiting concentration for growth reactions. (EPANET Version 2.2)
getPattern Retrieves the multiplier factor for all patterns and all times
getPatternAveragePatternValue Retrieves the average value of a pattern
getPatternComment Retrieves the comment string assigned to the pattern object
getPatternCount Retrieves the number of patterns
getPatternIndex Retrieves the index of all or some time patterns IDs
getPatternLengths Retrieves the number of time periods in all or some patterns
getPatternNameID Retrieves the patterns IDs
getPatternValue Retrieves the multiplier factor for a certain pattern and time
getQualityCode Retrieves the code of water quality analysis type
getQualityInfo Retrieves the quality info - bug in ENgetqualinfo
getQualityTraceNodeIndex Retrieves the trace node index of water quality analysis type
getQualityType Retrieves the type of water quality analysis type
getRules Retrieves the rule - based control statements. (EPANET Version 2.2)
getRuleCount Retrieves the number of rules. (EPANET Version 2.2)
getRuleID Retrieves the ID name of a rule-based control given its index. (EPANET Version 2.2)
getRuleInfo Retrieves summary information about a rule-based control given it's index. (EPANET Version 2.2)
getStatistic Retrieves hydraulic simulation statistic
getTimeHTime Retrieves the number of htime
getTimeQTime Retrieves the number of qtime
getTimeHaltFlag Retrieves the number of halt flag
getTimeHydraulicStep Retrieves the value of the hydraulic time step
getTimeNextEvent Retrieves the number of next event
getTimeNextEventTank Retrieves the index of tank with shortest time to become empty or full
getTimePatternStart Retrieves the value of pattern start time
getTimePatternStep Retrieves the value of the pattern time step
getTimeQualityStep Retrieves the value of the water quality time step
getTimeReportingPeriods Retrieves the number of reporting periods saved to the binary
getTimeReportingStart Retrie ves the value of the reporting start time
getTimeReportingStep Retrieves the value of the reporting time step
getTimeRuleControlStep Retrieves the time step for evaluating rule-based controls
getTimeSimulationDuration Retrieves the value of simulation duration
getTimeStartTime Retrieves the number of start time
getTimeStatisticsType Retrieves the type of time series post-processing ('NONE','AVERAGE','MINIMUM','MAXIMUM', 'RANGE')
getTimeStatisticsIndex Retrieves the type of time series post-processing
getTitle Retrieves the title lines of the project
getUnits Retrieves the Units of Measurement
getVersion Retrieve the current EPANET version of DLL
getNodesInfo Retrieves nodes info e.g. elevations, demand pattern indices, emitter coeff. , initial quality, source quality, source pattern indices, source type code, type indices
getLinksInfo Retrieves links info e.g. diameters, lengths, roughness coeff. , minor loss coeff. , initial status, initial settings, bulk reaction coeff. , wall reaction coeff. , nodes connecting link indices, type indices
addControls Adds a new simple control. (EPANET Version 2.2)
addCurve Adds a new curve appended to the end of the existing curves
addPattern Adds a new time pattern to the network
addNodeJunction Adds a new junction
addNodeJunctionDemand Adds a new demand to a junction given the junction index, base demand, demand time pattern and demand name category. (EPANET Version 2.2)
addNodeReservoir Adds a new reservoir
addNodeTank Adds a new tank
addLinkPipeCV Adds a new CV pipe
addLinkPipe Adds a new pipe
addLinkPump Adds a new pump
addLinkValvePRV Adds a new PRV valve
addLinkValvePSV Adds a new PSV valve
addLinkValvePBV Adds a new PBV valve
addLinkValveFCV Adds a new FCV valve
addLinkValveTCV Adds a new TCV valve
addLinkValveGPV Adds a new GPV valve
addRules Adds a new rule-based control to a project. (EPANET Version 2.2)
deleteCurve Deletes a data curve from the project
deleteLink Deletes a link
deleteNode Deletes a node
deletePattern Deletes a time pattern from a project
deleteControls Deletes an existing simple control. (EPANET Version 2.2)
deleteRules Deletes an existing rule-based control given it's index. (EPANET Version 2.2)
clearReport Clears the contents of a project's report file. (EPANET Version 2.2)
copyReport Copies the current contents of a project's report file to another file. (EPANET Version 2.2)
closeHydraulicAnalysis Closes the hydraulic analysis system, freeing all allocated memory
closeNetwork Closes down the Toolkit system
closeQualityAnalysis Closes the water quality analysis system, freeing all allocated memory
runsCompleteSimulation Runs a complete hydraulic and water simulation to create binary & report files with default name net_temp.bin or you can use argument to run via ENepanet
initializeEPANET Initializes an EPANET project that isn't opened with an input file
initializeHydraulicAnalysis Initializes storage tank levels, link status and settings, and the simulation clock time prior to running a hydraulic analysis
initializeQualityAnalysis Initializes water quality and the simulation clock time prior to running a water quality analysis
nextHydraulicAnalysisStep Determines the length of time until the next hydraulic event occurs in an extended period simulation
nextQualityAnalysisStep Advances the water quality simulation to the start of the next hydraulic time period
openAnyInp Open as on matlab editor any EPANET input file
openCurrentInp Open EPANET input file who is loaded
openHydraulicAnalysis Opens the hydraulics analysis system
openQualityAnalysis Opens the water quality analysis system
runHydraulicAnalysis Runs a single period hydraulic analysis, retrieving the current simulation clock time t
runQualityAnalysis Makes available the hydraulic and water quality results that occur at the start of the next time period of a water quality analysis, where the start of the period is returned in t
saveHydraulicFile Saves the current contents of the binary hydraulics file to a file
saveHydraulicsOutputReportingFile Transfers results of a hydraulic simulation from the binary Hydraulics file to the binary Output file, where results are only reported at uniform reporting intervals
saveInputFile Writes all current network input data to a file using the format of an EPANET input file
plot Plot the network input file
setControls Sets the parameters of a simple control statement
setCurve Sets x,y values for a specific curve
setCurveNameID Sets the name ID of a curve given it's index and the new ID. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setCurveValue Retrieves x,y point for a specific point number and curve
setDemandModel Sets the type of demand model to use and its parameters
setFlowUnitsAFD Sets flow units to AFD
setFlowUnitsCFS Sets flow units to CFS
setFlowUnitsCMD Sets flow units to CMD
setFlowUnitsCMH Sets flow units to CMH
setFlowUnitsGPM Sets flow units to GPM
setFlowUnitsIMGD Sets flow units to IMGD
setFlowUnitsLPM Sets flow units to LPM
setFlowUnitsLPS Sets flow units to LPS
setFlowUnitsMGD Sets flow units to MGD
setFlowUnitsMLD Sets flow units to MLD
setLinkBulkReactionCoeff Sets the values of bulk reactions
setLinkComment Sets the comment string assigned to the link object
setLinkDiameter Sets the values of diameters
setLinkPipeData Sets a group of properties for a pipe. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setLinkPumpHeadCurveIndex Sets the curves index for pumps index
setLinkPumpPatternIndex Sets the pump speed time pattern index. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setLinkPumpPower Sets the power for pumps. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setLinkPumpHCurve Sets the pump head v. flow curve index. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setLinkPumpECurve Sets the pump efficiency v. flow curve index. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setLinkPumpECost Sets the pump average energy price. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setLinkPumpEPat Sets the pump energy price time pattern index. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setLinkInitialSetting Sets the values of initial settings
setLinkInitialStatus Sets the values of initial status
setLinkLength Sets the values of lengths
setLinkMinorLossCoeff Sets the values of minor loss coeff.
setLinkNameID Sets the ID name for links
setLinkNodesIndex Sets the indexes of a link's start- and end-nodes. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setLinkRoughnessCoeff Sets the values of roughness coeff.
setLinkSettings Sets the values of settings
setLinkStatus Sets the values of status
setLinkTypePipe Set the link type pipe for a specified link
setLinkTypePipeCV Set the link type cvpipe for a specified link
setLinkTypePump Set the link type pump for a specified link
setLinkTypeValveFCV Set the link type valve FCV for a specified link
setLinkTypeValveGPV Set the link type valve PCV for a specified link
setLinkTypeValvePBV Set the link type valve PBV for a specified link
setLinkTypeValvePRV Set the link type valve PRV for a specified link
setLinkTypeValvePSV Set the link type valve PSV for a specified link
setLinkTypeValveTCV Set the link type valve TCV for a specified link
setLinkVertices Assigns a set of internal vertex points to a link
setLinkWallReactionCoeff Sets the values of wall reactions
setNodeBaseDemands Sets the values of demands
setNodeComment Sets the comment string assigned to the node object
setNodeCoordinates Sets node coordinates
setNodeDemandPatternIndex Sets the values of demand pattern indices
setNodeElevations Sets the values of elevations
setNodeEmitterCoeff Sets the values of emitter coeff.
setNodeInitialQuality Sets the values of initial qualities
setNodeJunctionDemandName Assigns a name to a node's demand category
setNodeNameID Sets the ID name for nodes
setNodeSourcePatternIndex Sets the values of source pattern indices
setNodeSourceQuality Sets the values of source qualities
setNodeSourceType Sets the values of source types
setNodesConnectingLinksID Sets the ID of a link's start-node(s) and end-node(s). (EPANET Version 2.2)
setNodeTankData Sets a group of properties for a tank. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setNodeTankBulkReactionCoeff Sets the values of tank bulk reaction coeff.
setNodeTankDiameter Sets the values of tanks diameter
setNodeTankCanOverFlow Sets the value of tank can overflow (= 1) or not (= 0)
setNodeTankInitialLevel Sets the values of tanks initial level
setNodeTankMaximumWaterLevel Sets the values of tanks maximum water level
setNodeTankMinimumWaterLevel Sets the values of tanks minimum water level
setNodeTankMixingFraction Sets the values of tanks mix fraction
setNodeTankMinimumWaterVolume Sets the values of tanks minimum water volume
setNodeTankMixingModelType Sets the values of tanks model
setOptionsAccuracyValue Sets the value of accurancy
setOptionsGlobalEffic Sets the value of global pump efficiency(percent) (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsGlobalPrice Sets the value of global energy price per KWH (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsGlobalPattern Sets the index of a global energy price pattern (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsDemandCharge Sets the energy demand charge per max. KW usage (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsSpecificGravity Sets the specific gravity (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsSpecificViscosity Sets the specific viscosity (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsExtraTrials Sets the extra trials allowed if hydraulics don't converge (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsMaximumCheck Sets the maximum trials for status checking. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsCheckFrequency Sets the frequency of hydraulic status checks (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsDampLimit Sets the accuracy level where solution damping begins. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsSpecificDiffusivity Sets the specific diffusivity (relative to chlorine at 20 deg C). (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsPipeBulkReactionOrder Sets the bulk water reaction order for pipes. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsPipeWallReactionOrder Sets the wall reaction order for pipes (either 0 or 1). (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsTankBulkReactionOrder Sets the bulk water reaction order for tanks. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsLimitingConcentration Sets the limiting concentration for growth reactions. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setOptionsEmitterExponent Sets the value of emitter exponent
setOptionsMaxTrials Sets the value of max trials
setOptionsPatternDemandMultiplier Sets the value of pattern demand multiplier
setOptionsQualityTolerance Sets the value of tolerance
setPattern Sets all of the multiplier factors for a specific time pattern
setPatternComment Sets the comment string assigned to the pattern object
setPatternNameID Sets the name ID of a time pattern given it's index and the new ID. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setPatternMatrix Sets all of the multiplier factors for all patterns
setPatternValue Sets the multiplier factor for a specific period within a time pattern
setQualityType Sets the type of water quality analysis called for
setReport Issues a report formatting command. Formatting commands are the same as used in the [REPORT] section of the EPANET Input file
setReportFormatReset Clears any report formatting commands that either appeared in the [REPORT] section of the EPANET Input file or were issued with the ENsetreport function
setReportStatus Sets the level of hydraulic status reporting
setRules Sets a rule - based control. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setRuleElseAction Sets rule - based control else actions. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setRulePremise Sets the premise of a rule - based control. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setRulePremiseObejctNameID Sets the ID of an object in a premise of a rule-based control. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setRulePremiseStatus Sets the status being compared to in a premise of a rule-based control. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setRulePremiseValue Sets the value being compared to in a premise of a rule-based control. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setRulePriority Sets rule - based control priority. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setRuleThenAction Sets rule - based control then actions. (EPANET Version 2.2)
setTimeHydraulicStep Sets the hydraulic step
setTimePatternStart Sets the pattern start
setTimePatternStep Sets the pattern step
setTimeQualityStep Sets the quality step
setTimeReportingStart Sets the reporting start
setTimeReportingStep Sets the reporting step
setTimeRuleControlStep Sets the rule control step
setTimeSimulationDuration Sets the simulation duration
setTimeStatisticsType Sets the statistic type
setTitle Sets the title lines of the project
solveCompleteHydraulics Runs a complete hydraulic simulation with results for all time periods written to the binary Hydraulics file
solveCompleteQuality Runs a complete water quality simulation with results at uniform reporting intervals written to EPANET's binary Output file
stepQualityAnalysisTimeLeft Advances the water quality simulation one water quality time step. The time remaining in the overall simulation is returned in tleft
useHydraulicFile Uses the contents of the specified file as the current binary hydraulics file
writeLineInReportFile Writes a line of text to the EPANET report file
writeReport Writes a formatted text report on simulation results to the Report file
MSX Functions
loadMSXFile Opens the EPANET-MSX toolkit system
addMSXPattern Adds a new, empty MSX source time pattern to the project
initializeMSXQualityAnalysis Initializes the MSX system before solving for water quality results in step-wise fashion
saveMSXFile Saves the data associated with the current MSX project into a new MSX input file
saveMSXQualityFile Saves water quality results computed for each node, link and reporting time period to a named binary file
solveMSXCompleteHydraulics Solves for system hydraulics over the entire simulation period saving results to an internal scratch file
solveMSXCompleteQuality Solves for water quality over the entire simulation period and saves the results to an internal scratch file
stepMSXQualityAnalysisTimeLeft Advances the water quality solution through a single water quality time step when performing a step-wise simulation
writeMSXFile Write a new MSX file
writeMSXReport Writes water quality simulations results as instructed by the MSX input file to a text file
writeMSXReportExe Writes water quality simulations results as instructed by the MSX input file to a specific name text file
useMSXHydraulicFile Uses a previously saved EPANET hydraulics file as the source of hydraulic information
plotMSXConcentrationSpeciesOfLinks Plots the concentration species of links
plotMSXConcentrationSpeciesOfNodes Plots the concentration species of nodes
runMSXexe Writes water quality simulations results as instructed by the MSX input file to a text file using the epanetmsx.exe
unloadMSX Closes the EPANET-MSX toolkit system
getMSXAtol Retrieves the absolute concentration tolerance
getMSXRtol Retrieves the relative concentration tolerance
getMSXComputedQualitySpecie Retrieves the quality values for specific specie (e.g getMSXComputedQualitySpecie('CL2'))
getMSXComputedQualityLink Retrieves the concentration of a chemical species at a specific link of the network at the current simulation time step
getMSXComputedQualityNode Retrieves the concentration of a chemical species at a specific node of the network at the current simulation time step.
getMSXConstantsCount Retrieves the number of constants
getMSXConstantsIndex Retrieves the internal index number of constants (given its ID name)
getMSXConstantsNameID Retrieves the ID name of constants (given its internal index number)
getMSXConstantsValue Retrieves the value of a particular reaction constant
getMSXError Returns the text for an error message given its error code
getMSXLinkInitqualValue Retrieves the initial concentration of chemical species assigned to links of the pipe network
getMSXNodeInitqualValue Retrieves the initial concentration of chemical species assigned to nodes
getMSXOptions Retrieves all the msx option parameters
getMSXParametersCount Retrieves the number of parameters
getMSXParametersIndex Retrieves the indices of parameters
getMSXParametersNameID Retrieves the ID name of parameters
getMSXParametersPipesValue Retrieves the value of reaction parameters for pipes
getMSXParametersTanksValue Retrieves the value of reaction parameters for tanks
getMSXPattern Retrieves the multiplier factor for all patterns and all times
getMSXPatternValue Retrieves the multiplier at a specific time period for a given source time pattern
getMSXPatternsCount Retrieves the number of patterns
getMSXPatternsIndex Retrieves the indices of patterns
getMSXPatternsLengths Retrieves the number of time periods in all or some patterns
getMSXPatternsNameID Retrieves the patterns IDs
getMSXSourceLevel Retrieves the value of all nodes source level
getMSXSourceNodeNameID Retrieves the ID label of all nodes
getMSXSourcePatternIndex Retrieves the value of all node source pattern index
getMSXSourceType Retrieves the value of all node source type
getMSXSources Retrieves the source info
getMSXSpeciesATOL Retrieves the atol
getMSXSpeciesRTOL Retrieves the rtol
getMSXSpeciesConcentration Retrieves the concentration of chemical species for nodes and links
getMSXSpeciesCount Retrieves the number of species
getMSXSpeciesIndex Retrieves the indices of species
getMSXSpeciesNameID Retrieves the species IDs
getMSXSpeciesType Retrieves the type of all species (BULK/WALL)
getMSXSpeciesUnits Retrieves the species mass units
getMSXTimeStep Retrieves the time step
getMSXRateUnits Retrieves the rate/time units (SEC/MIN/HR/DAY)
getMSXAreaUnits Retrieves the area units (FT2/M2/CM2)
getMSXCompiler Retrieves the compiler (NONE/VC/GC)
getMSXCoupling Retrieves the coupling (FULL/NONE)
getMSXEquationsPipes Retrieves the species dynamics in pipes
getMSXEquationsTanks Retrieves the species dynamics in tanks
getMSXEquationsTerms Retrieves the species dynamics in terms
getMSXSolver Retrieves the solver (EUL/RK5/ROS2)
setMSXAreaUnitsCM2 Sets area units to CM2
setMSXAreaUnitsFT2 Sets area units to FT2
setMSXAreaUnitsM2 Sets area units to M2
setMSXAtol Sets the value of Atol
setMSXRtol Sets the value of Rtol
setMSXCompilerGC Sets compilet to GC
setMSXCompilerNONE Sets compiler to None
setMSXCompilerVC Sets compiler to VC
setMSXConstantsValue Assigns a new value to a specific reaction constant
setMSXCouplingFULL Sets coupling option to FULL
setMSXCouplingNONE Sets coupling option to NONE
setMSXLinkInitqualValue Assigns an initial concentration of chemical species to links
setMSXNodeInitqualValue Assigns an initial concentration of chemical species to nodes
setMSXParametersPipesValue Assigns a value to a particular reaction parameter for given pipes
setMSXParametersTanksValue Assigns a value to a particular reaction parameter for given tanks
setMSXPattern Sets all of the multiplier factors for a specific time pattern
setMSXPatternMatrix Sets all of the multiplier factors for all patterns
setMSXPatternValue Assigns a new value to the multiplier for a specific time period in a given MSX source time pattern
setMSXRateUnitsDAY Sets rate units to DAY
setMSXRateUnitsHR Sets rate units to HR
setMSXRateUnitsMIN Sets rate units to MIN
setMSXRateUnitsSEC Sets rate units to SEC
setMSXSolverEUL Sets solver to EUL (standard Euler integrator)
setMSXSolverRK5 Sets solver to RK5 (Runge-Kutta 5th order integrator)
setMSXSolverROS2 Sets solver to ROS2 (2nd order Rosenbrock integrator)
setMSXSources Sets the attributes of an external source of a particular chemical species to a specific node of the pipe network
setMSXTimeStep Sets time step
Bin Functions
BinClose Close binary files and delete
BinUpdateClass Run all bin functions and update the results
Binplot Plot the network input file
addBinControl Adds a new control to the network
addBinCurveEfficiency Adds a new curve efficiency to the network
addBinCurveHeadloss Adds a new curve headloss to the network
addBinCurvePump Adds a new curve pump to the network
addBinCurveVolume Adds a new curve volume to the network
addBinJunction Adds a new junction to the network
addBinNodeJunction Adds a new junction to the network
addBinPattern Adds a new time pattern to the network
addBinPipe Adds a new pipe to the network
addBinLinkPipe Adds a new pipe to the network
addBinPump Adds a new pump to the network
addBinLinkPump Adds a new pump to the network
addBinReservoir Adds a new reservoir to the network
addBinNodeReservoir Adds a new reservoir to the network
addBinTank Adds a new tank to the network
addBinNodeTank Adds a new tank to the network
addBinValveFCV Adds a new valve FCV to the network
addBinValveGPV Adds a new valve GPV to the network
addBinValvePBV Adds a new valve PBV to the network
addBinValvePRV Adds a new valve PRV to the network
addBinValvePSV Adds a new valve PSV to the network
addBinValveTCV Adds a new valve TCV to the network
addBinLinkValve Adds a new valve to the network
addBinLinkVertices Adds interior vertex points to network links
removeBinControlLinkID Removes a specific control based on link ID
removeBinControlNodeID Removes a specific control based on node ID
removeBinCurveID Removes a specific curve based on ID
removeBinLinkID Removes a specific link based on ID
removeBinNodeID Removes a specific node based on ID
removeBinRulesControlLinkID Removes a specific rule based on link ID
removeBinRulesControlNodeID Removes a specific rule based on node ID
deleteBinLinkVertices Deletes interior vertex points of network links
saveBinInpFile Writes all current network input data to a file using the format of an EPANET input file
getBinComputedAllParameters Computes hydraulic and quality time series
getBinComputedAverageBulkReactionRate Computes the average bulk reaction rate
getBinComputedAverageCostPerDay Computes the average cost per day
getBinComputedAverageEfficiency Computes the average efficiency
getBinComputedAverageKwatts Computes the average Kwatts
getBinComputedAverageKwattsOrMillionGallons Computes the average Kwatts or million gallons
getBinComputedAverageSourceInflow Computes the average source inflow
getBinComputedAverageTankReactionRate Computes the average tank reaction rate
getBinComputedAverageWallReactionRate Computes average wall reaction rate
getBinComputedLinkFlow Computes the flow of links
getBinComputedLinkFrictionFactor Computes the link friction factor
getBinComputedLinkHeadloss Computes the headloss of links
getBinComputedLinkQuality Computes the quality of links
getBinComputedLinkReactionRate Computes the reaction rate of links
getBinComputedLinkSetting Computes the setting of links
getBinComputedLinkStatus Computes the status of links
getBinComputedLinkVelocity Computes the velocity of links
getBinComputedNodeDemand Computes the demand of nodes
getBinComputedNodeHead Computes the head of nodes
getBinComputedNodePressure Computes the pressure of nodes
getBinComputedNodeQuality Computes the quality of nodes
getBinComputedPeakKwatts Computes the peak Kwatts
getBinComputedPumpIndexListLinks Retrieves the pump indices
getBinComputedPumpUtilization Computes the pump utilization
getBinDiameterEachLink Retrieves the diameter of each link
getBinLengthEachLink Retrieves the length of each link
getBinLinkIndex Retrieves the indices of all links
getBinLinkNameID Retrieves the ID label(s) of all links
getBinElevationEachNode Retrieves the elevation of each node
getBinNodeCoordinates Retrieves coordinate x, y, and x, y vertices for a node
getBinNodeIndex Retrieves the indices of all nodes
getBinNodeNameID Retrieves the ID label(s) of all nodes
getBinNumberReportingPeriods Retrieves the number of reporting periods
getBinControlsInfo Retrieves the controls info
getBinCurvesInfo Retrieves the curves info
getBinLinksInfo Retrieves the links info
getBinLimitingPotential Retrieves limiting potential
getBinNodesInfo Retrieves the nodes info
getBinNodeSourceInfo Retrieves the sources info
getBinOptionsInfo Retrieves the options info
getBinPatternsInfo Retrieves the patterns info
getBinRulesControlsInfo Retrieves the controls info
getBinTimesInfo Retrieves the times info
getBinPatternIndex Retrieves the indices of all patterns
getBinSimulationDuration Retrieves the value of simulation duration
getBinSections Retrieves some basic sections from inp file
getBinUnits Retrieves the units used to express all flow rates
getBinLinkVertices Retrieves the link vertices
getBinLinkVerticesCount Retrieves the number of vertices
setBinFlowUnitsAFD Sets flow units to AFD
setBinFlowUnitsCFS Sets flow units to CFS
setBinFlowUnitsCMD Sets flow units to CMD
setBinFlowUnitsCMH Sets flow units to CMH
setBinFlowUnitsGPM Sets flow units to GPM
setBinFlowUnitsIMGD Sets flow units to IMGD
setBinFlowUnitsLPM Sets flow units to LPM
setBinFlowUnitsLPS Sets flow units to LPS
setBinFlowUnitsMGD Sets flow units to MGD
setBinFlowUnitsMLD Sets flow units to MLD
setBinHeadlossCM Sets headloss to C-M
setBinHeadlossDW Sets headloss to D-W
setBinHeadlossHW Sets headloss to H-W
setBinLinkGlobalBulkReactionCoeff Sets the global bulk reaction rate coeff.
setBinLinkGlobalWallReactionCoeff Sets the global wall reaction rate coeff.
setBinLimitingPotential Sets limiting potential
setBinLinkPipeDiameters Sets the values of pipe diameters
setBinLinkPipeLengths Sets the values of pipe lengths
setBinLinkPipeMinorLoss Sets the values of pipe minor losses
setBinLinkPipeRoughness Sets the values of pipe roughness
setBinLinkPipeStatus Sets the values of pipe status
setBinLinkPipesParameters Sets the values of pipe parameters (diameters, lengths, minor losses, roughness, status)
setBinLinkPumpStatus Sets the values of pump status
setBinLinkReactionCoeff Sets the values of bulk and wall reaction coeff.
setBinLinkValvesParameters Sets the values of valve parameters (diameters, types, settings, minor losses)
setBinNodeJunDemandPatternNameID Sets the names of demand pattern IDs for junctions
setBinNodeInitialQuality Sets the values of initial qualities
setBinNodeJunctionElevation Sets the values of elevations for junctions
setBinNodeJunctionsBaseDemands Sets the values of base demands
setBinNodeJunctionsParameters Sets the values of junction parameters (elevations, base demands, demand patterns)
setBinNodeResDemandPatternNameID Sets the names of demand pattern IDs for reservoirs
setBinNodeReservoirElevation Sets the values of elevations for reservoirs
setBinNodeReservoirParameters Sets the values of reservoir parameters (elevations, patterns)
setBinNodeSourceQuality Sets the values of source qualities
setBinNodeTankDiameter Sets the values of tanks diameter
setBinNodeTankElevation Sets the values of tanks elevation
setBinNodeTankInitialLevel Sets the values of tanks initial level
setBinNodeTankMaximumWaterLevel Sets the values of tanks maximum water level
setBinNodeTankMinimumWaterLevel Sets the values of tanks minimum water level
setBinNodeTankMinimumWaterVolume Sets the values of tanks minimum water volume
setBinNodeTankParameters Sets the values of reservoir parameters (elevations, initialLevels, minLevels, maxLevels, diameters, minVolume, mixfraction)
setBinPattern Sets all of the multiplier factors for a specific time pattern
setBinQualityAge Sets the type of water quality analysis to Age
setBinQualityChem Sets the type of water quality analysis to Chem
setBinQualityNone Sets the type of water quality analysis to None
setBinQualityTrace Sets the type of water quality analysis to Trace
setBinQualType Sets the type of water quality analysis to any chem e.g. chlorine
setBinTimeHydraulicStep Sets the hydraulic step
setBinTimePatternStart Sets the pattern start
setBinTimePatternStep Sets the pattern step
setBinTimeQualityStep Sets the quality step
setBinTimeReportingStart Sets the reporting start
setBinTimeReportingStep Sets the reporting step
setBinTimeSimulationDuration Sets the simulation duration
setBinTimeStatisticsAverage Sets the statistic type to Average
setBinTimeStatisticsMaximum Sets the statistic type to Maximum
setBinTimeStatisticsMinimum Sets the statistic type to Minimum
setBinTimeStatisticsNone Sets the statistic type to None
setBinTimeStatisticsRange Sets the statistic type to Range
setBinLinkVertices Sets interior vertex points of network links

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List of EPANET 2.012 Functions Supported

Function Description
ENaddpattern Adds a new time pattern to the network
ENclose Closes down the Toolkit system (including all files being processed)
ENcloseH Closes the hydraulic analysis system, freeing all allocated memory
ENcloseQ Closes the water quality analysis system, freeing all allocated memory
ENepanet Runs a complete EPANET simulation
ENgetcount Retrieves the number of network components of a specified type
ENgetcontrol Retrieves the parameters of a simple control statement
ENgeterror Retrieves the text of the message associated with a particular error or warning code
ENgetflowunits Retrieves a code number indicating the units used to express all flow rates
ENgetlinkid Retrieves the ID label of a link with a specified index
ENgetlinkindex Retrieves the index of a link with a specified ID
ENgetlinknodes Retrieves the indexes of the end nodes of a specified link
ENgetlinktype Retrieves the link-type code for a specific link
ENgetlinkvalue Retrieves the value of a specific link parameter
ENgetnodeid Retrieves the ID label of a node with a specified index
ENgetnodeindex Retrieves the index of a node with a specified ID
ENgetnodetype Retrieves the node-type code for a specific node
ENgetnodevalue Retrieves the value of a specific link parameter
ENgetoption Retrieves the value of a particular analysis option
ENgetpatternid Retrieves the ID label of a particular time pattern
ENgetpatternindex Retrieves the index of a particular time pattern
ENgetpatternlen Retrieves the number of time periods in a specific time pattern
ENgetpatternvalue Retrieves the multiplier factor for a specific time period in a time pattern
ENgetqualtype Retrieves the type of water quality analysis called for
ENgettimeparam Retrieves the value of a specific analysis time parameter
ENgetversion Retrieves the version number
ENinitH Initializes hydraulic analysis
ENinitQ Initializes water quality analysis
ENnextH Determine time (in seconds) until next hydraulic event
ENnextQ Advances WQ simulation to next hydraulic event
ENopen Opens EPANET input file & reads in network data
ENopenH Sets up data structures for hydraulic analysis
ENopenQ Sets up data structures for WQ analysis
ENreport Writes simulation report to the report file
ENresetreport Resets report options to default values
ENrunH Run a hydraulic solution period
ENrunQ Retrieves hydraulic & WQ results at time t
ENsaveH Saves hydraulic results to binary file
ENsavehydfile Copies binary hydraulics file to disk
ENsaveinpfile Saves current data to "INP" formatted text file
ENsetcontrol Specify parameters to define a simple control
ENsetlinkvalue Set a proprty value for a link
ENsetnodevalue Set a property value for a node
ENsetoption Set a value for an anlysis option
ENsetpattern Set multipliers for a specific pattern
ENsetpatternvalue Set the multiplier for a specific pattern at a specific period
ENsetqualtype Sets the type of water quality analysis called
ENsetreport Processes a reporting format command
ENsetstatusreport Sets the level of hydraulic status reporting
ENsettimeparam Set the value for a time parameter
ENsolveH Solves the network hydraulics for all time periods
ENsolveQ Solves for network water quality in all time periods
ENstepQ Advances WQ simulation by a single WQ time step
ENusehydfile Opens previously saved binary hydraulics file
ENwriteline Writes line of text to the report file

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List of EPANET 2.1 Functions Supported

Function Description
ENaddcurve Adds a new curve appended to the end of the existing curves
ENgetaveragepatternvalue Retrieves the average value of a pattern
ENgetbasedemand Retrieves the nodes base demand for a category
ENgetcoord Retrieves coordinate x, y for a node
ENgetcurve Retrieves a curve's properties
ENgetcurveid Retrieves ID of a curve with specific index
ENgetcurveindex Retrieves index of curve with specific ID
ENgetcurvelen Retrieves number of points in a curve
ENgetcurvevalue Retrieves x,y point for a specific point number and curve
ENgetdemandpattern Retrieves the index of a demand pattern for a specific demand category of a node
ENgetheadcurveindex Retrieves index of a head curve for specific link index
ENgetnumdemands Retrieves the number of demand categories for a node
ENgetpumptype Retrieves the type of a pump for specific link index
ENgetqualinfo Retrieves quality analysis information (type, chemical name, units, trace node ID)
ENgetstatistic Retrieves hydraulic simulation statistic
ENsetbasedemand Sets the nodes base demand for a category
ENsetcoord Sets coordinate x, y for a node
ENsetcurve Sets x,y values for a specific curve
ENsetcurvevalue Sets x,y point for a specific point and curve

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List of EPANET 2.2 Functions Supported

Function Description
ENaddcontrol Specify parameters to add a new simple control
ENaddlink Adds a new link
ENaddnode Adds a new node
ENaddrule Adds a new rule-based control to a project
ENadddemand Appends a new demand to a junction node demands list
ENclearreport Clears the contents of a project's report file
ENcopyreport Copies the current contents of a project's report file to another file
ENdeletelink Deletes a link
ENdeletenode Deletes a node
ENsetcurveid Changes the ID name of a data curve given its index
ENsetpatternid Changes the ID name of a time pattern given its index
ENsetdemandpattern Sets the index of the demand pattern assigned to a node for a category index
ENsetheadcurveindex Sets the curve index for a specified pump index
ENgetcurvetype Retrieves the type of a curve
ENgetdemandindex Retrieves the index of a node's named demand category
ENgetpremise Gets the properties of a premise in a rule-based control
ENgetelseaction Gets the properties of an ELSE action in a rule-based control
ENgetruleid Gets the ID name of a rule-based control given its index
ENgetrule Retrieves summary information about a rule-based control
ENgetthenaction Gets the properties of a THEN action in a rule-based control
ENsetflowunits Sets the flow units
ENgetdemandmodel Retrieves the type of demand model in use and its parameters
ENsetdemandmodel Sets the type of demand model to use and its parameters
ENsetelseaction Sets the properties of an ELSE action in a rule-based control
ENsetnodeid Change the ID name for a node
ENsetlinkid Change the ID name for a link
ENsetpipedata Sets a group of properties for a pipe link
ENsetpremise Sets the properties of a premise in a rule-based control
ENsetpremiseindex Sets the index of an object in a premise of a rule-based control
ENsetpremisestatus Sets the status being compared to in a premise of a rule-based control
ENsetpremisevalue Sets the value in a premise of a rule-based control
ENsetrulepriority Sets the priority of a rule-based control
ENsettankdata Sets a group of properties for a tank node
ENsetthenaction Sets the properties of a THEN action in a rule-based control
ENgettitle Retrieves the title lines of the project
ENsettitle Sets the title lines of the project
ENsetlinknodes Sets the indexes of a link's start- and end-nodes
ENsetlinktype Changes the type of a particular link (e.g. pipe to pump)
ENgetdemandname Gets the name of a node's demand category
ENsetdemandname Assigns a name to a node's demand category
ENgetcomment Retrieves the comment string assigned to the object (NODE, LINK, TIMEPAT or CURVE)
ENsetcomment Sets the comment string assigned to the object (NODE, LINK, TIMEPAT or CURVE)
ENdeletepattern Deletes a time pattern from a project
ENdeletecurve Deletes a data curve from the project
ENdeletecontrol Deletes an existing simple control
ENdeleterule Deletes an existing rule-based control
ENsetjuncdata Sets a group of properties for a junction node
ENgetvertex Retrieves the coordinate's of a vertex point assigned to a link
ENgetvertexcount Retrieves the number of internal vertex points assigned to a link
ENsetvertices Assigns a set of internal vertex points to a link
ENgetresultindex Retrieves the order in which a node's or link's results were saved to an output file
ENinit Initializes an EPANET project that isn't opened with an input file

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A Matlab class for EPANET water distribution simulation libraries







No packages published


  • MATLAB 89.5%
  • C 10.5%