New Features
test points can now be auto-assigned
for a standard raise after G28
Individual edge insets for corner leveling
Separate config for secure data (Excluded by .gitignore
Boards / Pins
Added MKS BASE 1.6 board support
MKS RUMBA split up into AUS3D and MKS variants
Improved support for Adafruit Grand Central M4 (SAMD51)
Added RAMPS 1.4.4
Use RTC for the temperature (1kHz) timer
Added old and new PICA Shield support
Direct link to example configs for the current version
Configurable G26
retraction length
Configuration versions bumped to 020004
Don't require Z sensorless when homing with probe
Sanity-check recommending safe homing with probes
Simplify safe homing point sanity check
Hosts and UI
Cosmetic tweaks for character LCD
ExtUI API support for PID, probe offsets
Optional support for G-code quoted strings
Updated FYSETC S6 pins, LCD settings
Fixed fan speed editing, decimal value rounding
Updated French, Russian, Italian
Fixed STOP reply going to wrong serial port
Added semicolon (comment prefix) to M503
HAL / Platforms
Fixed LPC build with watchdog off
Removed extraneous serial initialization
Fixed bad pin state transitions on SAMD51
Fixed ESP32 extraneous library include
Put the ESP32 stepper I2S task and Marlin on the same core
Issues Patched
Fixed a bug in TMC2209 StallGuard handling
Fixed a bug preventing extruder motors being turned off
Fixed Arduino IDE compilation for DUE
Fixed SKR 1.4 "extra" endstop pins
Add Trigorilla endstop add-on option
Fixed M112
behavior with emergency parser
Fixed end of print behavior with print status LEDs
Fixed Neopixel white when used with other LEDs
Further fixups for 8 extruders
Ensure that UBL uses Tool 0 for bed leveling
Fixed G425
pin handling
Fixed a probe conflict with multi-endstop features
Fixed MKS Robin nano build options
Fixed DGUS serial ports not defined
Display "*
" when Trinamic stst
= 0
Optimized / Improved
Start and stop the print job timer on bed heating (also)
Use SDIO for onboard SD with STM32duino boards
Improved (safer) handling of probe failure
For Developers
Added mftest -b
and -u
options for auto-build
Improved git, jekyll, and test helper scripts
Refactored Probe as singleton class
Define more EXP and AUX pins in SKR pins defines
Added RREPEAT nested repeat macros and apply
Added .editorconfig
defining basic formatting
Add logging for Z adjust when leveling is toggled
Cleanup of host actions code
To optimize auto-build drop some ATmega 1280 targets
Known Issues
Babystepping in stealthChop mode may cause TMC2209 steppers to shut down on some 32-bit platforms
You can’t perform that action at this time.