npm install
npm install -g @ionic/cli native-run cordova-res firebase-tools
npm run emulator
npm run ios|android
# Run in XCode or in Android Studio
ng build
npm cap sync
npx cap open ios && npx cap open android
ionic doctor check
npx cap doctor
There are three different environment for which you can create a build:
ng build --prod
Sync to the native codebases of iOS and Android:
npx cap sync
Continue to native IDEs:
npx cap open ios && npx cap open android
In XCode, make sure that 'Generic iOS Device' is selected at the App run field.
To create a build:
Menu > Product > Archive
and then Menu > Window > Organizer
. The app build can be validated and distributed to the App Store Connect platform.
To create a build: Menu > Build > Generate Signed Bundle...
. Add the release key credentials and select the 'release' build variant. The release will be created and can be found in the Android Studio project under app/prod/release
. The ABB can be uploaded to the Google Play console.