is a module providing many extensions for JUnit 5 tests:
- testy-beat-box provides extensions to run an in-memory Qpid AMQP broker and provide reactive RabbitMQ connections.
- testy-core-box provides core extensions. All the other projects depend on it.
- testy-jooq-box provides extensions to run an in-memory H2 database. Test data can be inserted using JOOQ.
- testy-mongo-box provides extensions to run an embedded MongoDB database. Test data can be inserted.
- testy-params-box provides aggregators for ParameterizedTest.
- testy-redis-box provides extensions to run an embedded Redis database.
This project provides common extensions:
- WithObjectMapper configures a Jackson mapper for Java to JSON conversion.
- ChainedExtension registers other test extensions and initializes them in the order of the declaration.
This extension creates and stores an ObjectMapper
at step BeforeAll
. This mapper can be injected as parameter.
static final WithObjectMapper wObjectMapper = WithObjectMapper
.addMixin(MyModel.class, MyModelMixin.class)
.addModule(new ParameterNamesModule())
.addModule(new JavaTimeModule())
static void beforeClass(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
// (...)
This extension registers other extensions and runs them:
callbacks are run in the order of the declaration.AfterEach
callbacks are run in the reverse order of the declaration.ParameterResolver
resolves a type with the first extension able to resolve it. If none can resolve a parameter, the parameter resolution will fail with standard JUnit exception.
This extension is usefull to register test resources in order (for instance, register the DataSource before loading the database schema):
private static final WithInMemoryDatasource wDataSource = WithInMemoryDatasource
private static final WithDatabaseLoaded wTestDatabase = WithDatabaseLoaded
static final ChainedExtension chain = ChainedExtension
This project is used to test SQL repositorites. It provides extensions to load an in-memory H2 database, execute SQL scripts with Flyway and insert test data.
- WithInMemoryDatasource loads a H2 SQL database in-memory on a named catalog.
- WithDatabaseLoaded creates the database schema on the catalog using Flyway SQL scripts.
- WithDslContext creates JOOQ
from the input DataSource. - WithSampleDataLoaded reset the content of the tables before each test using JOOQ records.
This extension creates a named H2 database in memory.
static final WithInMemoryDatasource wDataSource = WithInMemoryDatasource
After this extension has been registered, the DataSource
can be injected as parameter.
static void beforeClass(DataSource dataSource) {
// (...)
void setUp(DataSource dataSource) {
// (...)
If the test registers more than one data source, the parameters shall be annotated with javax.inject.Named
to distinct them:
static final WithInMemoryDatasource wDataSource1 = WithInMemoryDatasource
static final WithInMemoryDatasource wDataSource2 = WithInMemoryDatasource
void setUp(@Named("my_catalog_1") DataSource dataSource1,
@Named("my_catalog_2") DataSource dataSource2) {
// (...)
This extension depends on a DatasourceExtension and runs a Flyway migration on the related DB catalog.
By default, the SQL scripts have to be located into db.migration.<catalog>
in the classpath, where <catalog>
is the name of DataSource catalog. The names of the SQL files shall match Flyway naming convention.
The SQL scripts are run before all the test methods. They are expected to be used to create the database schema.
private static final WithInMemoryDatasource wDataSource = WithInMemoryDatasource
// SQL files shall be located in classpath:db.migration.my_catalog
private static final WithDatabaseLoaded wDatabaseLoaded = WithDatabaseLoaded
static final ChainedExtension chain = ChainedExtension
This extension depends on a DatasourceExtension and creates a JOOQ DSLContext on the related DataSource.
private static final WithInMemoryDatasource wDataSource = WithInMemoryDatasource
private static final WithDslContext wDsl = WithDslContext
static final ChainedExtension chain = ChainedExtension
This DSL can be injected as parameter.
void setUp(DSLContext dsl) {
// (...)
If many catalogs are registered, the parameter shall be annotated with javax.inject.Named
void setUp(@Named("my_catalog_1") DSLContext dsl1,
@Named("my_catalog_2") DSLContext dsl2) {
// (...)
This extension deletes and inserts test data before each test method.
The test data are inserted as JOOQ records. They can be defined with classes implementing RelationalDataSet
public final class MyElementDataSet implements RelationalDataSet<MyElementRecord> {
public List<MyElementRecord> records() {
// Return all the records to insert in the table
These data set can be added to the extension WithSampleDataLoaded
to setup the test data
private static final WithInMemoryDatasource wDataSource = WithInMemoryDatasource
private static final WithDatabaseLoaded wDatabaseLoaded = WithDatabaseLoaded
private static final WithDslContext wDSLContext = WithDslContext
private static final WithSampleDataLoaded wSamples = WithSampleDataLoaded
.addDataset(new MyElementDataSet())
static final ChainedExtension chain = ChainedExtension
🔥 Only the tables related to the data sets are emptied before each test. If a test inserts rows into another table, this table shall be emptied manually. 🔥
This project is used to test classes using RabbitMQ. It provides an extension to run an embedded AMQP broker.
- WithRabbitMock runs an embedded AMQP broker.
This extension runs an embedded AMQP broker (Qpid by default).
When registered, the Rabbit SenderOptions and ReceiverOptions can be injected as parameters.
static final WithRabbitMock withRabbitMock = WithRabbitMock
static void beforeClass(SenderOptions senderOptions,
ReceiverOptions receiverOptions) {
// (...)
Before each test method, a RabbitMQ Connection and a Channel are opened. They can be injected as parameters.
static final WithRabbitMock withRabbitMock = WithRabbitMock
void setUp(Connection connection,
Channel channel) {
// (...)
Queues and exchanges can also be created with the extension. When declaring a queue and an exchange, they are bound together with an empty routing key.
static final WithRabbitMock withRabbitMock = WithRabbitMock
.declareQueueAndExchange("my_queue", "my_exchange")
The queues are deleted automatically by closing the connection after each test method.
In order to simplify mocking of rabbit queues, Mocked sender and receiver can be injected to the test:
These mocks use AmqpMessage as requests/responses. AmqpMessage can define the body and the headers of the message.
static final WithRabbitMock withRabbitMock = WithRabbitMock
.declareQueueAndExchange("my_queue", "my_exchange")
void myTest(MockedSender mockedSender) {
final AmqpMessage request = AmqpMessage.of("test-request".getBytes());
final String routingKey = "";
// Simply publish a message on the tested queue
.on("my_exchange", routingKey);
// Send a RPC request
final Mono<Delivery> response = mockedSender.rpc(request)
.on("my_exchange", routingKey);
// (...)
static final WithRabbitMock withRabbitMock = WithRabbitMock
.declareQueueAndExchange("my_queue", "my_exchange")
void myTest(MockedReceiver mockedReceiver) {
final AmqpMessage response = AmqpMessage.of("test-response".getBytes());
// To consume more than one message, use consume(int)
final Flux<Delivery> requests = mockedReceiver.consumeOne()
// (...)