An app that enables users to create quizzes and share them anywhere.
- Git
- GitHub
- Terminal
- VS Code
- MD Previewer
- JS
- Heroku
- React.js
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- Axios
Visit the webpage >>Here<<
Navigate to the Browse Page to view or take a variety of quizzes.
Go to the Create A Quiz Page to develop and send out your own quizzes.
Travel to the About Page to find more info about KTrial and it's development.
- Add page that allows users to browse any quizzes that have been made and vote on them.
- Add user auth and account creation.
- Allow users to save the quizzes they've made and modify them.
Organization: Trello
Documentation: MDN Web Docs
CSS Normalize: Normalize.css
Diagrams: Whimsical