The scrape and store directory contains files that allow for data to be scraped from Vinted and then stored in a Postgre SQL database. The project is made to run through Docker.
To run in Docker:
docker build -t web_scraper .
docker run --privileged -p 4000:4000 -d -it web_scraper
Databasse credentials need to be inserted in the file for the program to work.
Running the container will initialise the code in file.
Here's how it works:
This is a list of items we want to look for on Vinted. The list can have any number of items.
items = ["boots", "trousers", "pendant"]`
This function then creates a table in the database that keeps track of the item types.
This will get the data. Data collected will be the name of product, price, link to the item and link to the image.
data = scrape.scrape(items, 3000)
The following function will then save the data to a csv file named all_items
scrape.make_csv("all_items", data)
Then uploaded to the database using: