- EzFinance is a web application developed using Spring boot as the backend and React as the frontend to maintain seamless user experience.
Below are the features present,
- Dashboard to view total income and expenses and recent transactions.
- Transactions, where you can add, update, delete and view transaction history.
- Categories, where you can add, update or delete a category based or prerequisites.
Along with these main features, there is an exciting landing page, login page, signup page, and even a dark theme! Let's dive deeper into this project to show you to set it up.
Follow these instructions to get your project up and running.
- JDK 22: Download and install from AdoptOpenJDK or another provider.
- MySQL: Ensure MySQL is installed and running. Set up a database for the project.
- Node.js: Install from nodejs.org.
**Before anything, you have to clone the repository on your desired directory using this command - git clone https://gitlab.com/financetracker1/FinanceTracker.git
Open IntelliJ IDEA:
- Select Open and navigate to the project directory (financialTracker).
Configure the Project:
- Ensure the project is set up as a Java project with JDK 22.
Set Up MySQL Database:
- Create a database in MySQL for the project.
- Update database connection settings in the configuration files. (change the password, username, and database name to your database details in the 'application.properties' file)
Run the Backend:
- Locate the main class or entry point of the backend application.
- Right-click on the class and select Run.
Navigate to the Frontend Directory through VS Code or any other convenient code editor: "financefrontend"
Install Dependencies (I used VS code terminal for this) npm install
Start the Frontend npm start
The frontend should be accessible at http://localhost:3000.
Contact : [email protected]