Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/MasonMcV/portfolio.git
If needed, Install ncurses
sudo apt install ncurses-dev
Download the data file:
wget https://datasets.imdbws.com/title.basics.tsv.gz && gunzip title.basics.tsv.gz
Make the project
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
- Enter name when prompted
- This will be the name of the file
- When loaded, a search dialog will appear - This is the main screen
- search for any movie and suggested titles will appear
- Press up and down arrows to select the desired movie
- Press enter to add to your movie Journal
- A window will pop up and ask for medium and date.
- Medium and Date are whatever was last used, but can be changed
- Press tab to change between Medium and Date
- Enter to Accept and add to journal
- Delete to cancel and return to search
- If Accepted, the screen will now show your journal!
- Press arrow keys to scroll through
- Enter to edit the Medium and Date
- Delete to remove the Movie
- Tab to go back to search and add more movies
- At any time press ESC to exit the program
Inspiration found at: