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Modelling user behaviour to benchmark GOV.UK's search engine

This repository contains code and a blog for my data science accelerator project (


This was a 3 month project to mine search logs for evaluating/improving the search function on GOV.UK. I worked on this project 1 day a week from April to June 2018.

More background:


For every search session I store these things:

Variable Format Purpose
searchTerm String What the user typed into the search bar
finalItemClicked UUID or URL ID of the last thing clicked
finalRank Integer Rank of the last thing clicked
clickedResults Array of UUIDs or URLs IDs of everything clicked in the session
allResults Array of UUIDs or URLs IDs of everything displayed on a search result page

I defined a search session to be a user viewing a distinct search query within a single visit to GOV.UK. So if they return to the same search multiple times, it's still considered the same session, no matter what pages they visited in the middle.

Running the code in this repository


To run this code you need access to the GOV.UK Google Analytics BigQuery export, and a relational database to write data to.

You need to configure the following environment variables:

Variable Format Purpose Default
DATABASE_URL String which local database to use postgres://localhost/accelerator
BIGQUERY_PRIVATE_KEY_ID String Key id from bigquery credentials
BIGQUERY_PRIVATE_KEY SSH key SSH key from bigquery credentials
BIGQUERY_CLIENT_EMAIL Email address Client email from bigquery credentials
BIGQUERY_CLIENT_ID String Client ID from bigquery credentials
DEBUG String If set to anything, debug the code using part of the dataset

These can be set in a .env file for local development when using pipenv.

Running the ETL pipeline

The following scripts form a pipeline to extract, transform and load the data into a database:

  • pipenv run python exports session data from google query
  • pipenv run [PATH_TO_RAW_DATA] [OUTPUT_PATH] cleans up the output of and produces a single dataset where each row is a unique combination of (session, query, document)
  • pipenv run [INPUT_FILE] groups the data by session and imports it into a local database

Some of these scripts use hardcoded dates and filenames, so check the code before running them.

After running these you will have the following tables, arranged as a STAR schema:

  • searches - observations, where each row is a search session
  • queries - each row is a unique search query
  • datasets - each row records metadata about a single run of the script. This is for debugging purposes only.

Once the data is loaded, I manually ran a SQL query to mark queries as high volume or low volume. This is a separate step because I ended up loading the data in batches, and I could consider more queries high volume if I collected more data.

with foo as (select query_id from queries join searches using (query_id) group by query_id having count(*) > 1000) update queries set high_volume=true from foo where queries.query_id=foo.query_id;

Training a click model

To train the click model, first run pipenv run to create training/test datasets. You need to have run all the previous steps first. This will output CSV files with the test and training datasets.

Then run pipenv run python This uses a Simplified Dynamic Bayesian Network model, which should be very fast (a few minutes on my Macbook pro). In contrast, the full Dynamic Bayesian network model takes hours rather than minutes. If you want to speed it up you can try using PyPy as recommended by PyClick, but I didn't get this working.

Evaluating the click model's inferred optimal ranking

The trained click model can be used to rerank a set of search results so that the most "relevant" results are at the top. I compared to this the ranking the user originally saw, by looking at whether their chosen result moved up or down.

The script I used to do this is

Unfortunately this metric is biased towards results that were originally ranked higher up, but I didn't come up with a better one in the time I had.