I made this website for a school project that focused on creating an Ebay-like Ecommerce site. Thrilled by this challenge I settled on the idea of an NFT marketplace that allows players of the game Elden Ring to sell their weapons for cryptocurrency.
While building this project I learned a lot about the Django framework and using Python to take user input and write SQL queries to a database. I learned more about CSS and how to effectively query for data to be dynamically displayed on the page using Jinga inheritance. I also discovered how I can create a secure user login portal to allow anyone who is logged in the ability to post their own items for sale. Any user signed in, can make a bid on any listed item, comment on any post, and even add/remove a product into their own watchlists.
My project stands out because of its interesting and original design and concept.
- Log in/Log out
- Create A New Listing
- Display Listing Images
- Display Listing Info
- Bid On Listing
- Categories
- Watchlist
- Comments
Use these commands:
git clone https://github.com/MathiasRauls/EldenRingAuctions
cd EldenRingAuctions
python manage.py runserver
- Click Register and then sign up!
- Post, Like, Comment, or Bid on any and all posts!
Thank you https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Elden+Ring+Wiki for all of the pictures and item descriptions. Used DALLE-2 to create the seamless listing backgrounds.
Developed by Mathias Rauls ✨