DelSurProps - backend
An API that connects the React frontend with a PostgreSQL database.
- GET: Filters real state objects based on the input the API receives and returns the output back to the frontend.
- DELETE - POST: Deletes and Creates real state objects based on the frontend input.
- Front end demo:
- Video of the working app w/ backend and frontend:
- (site shut down as per client request)
- First time writting a Golang API.
- Learnt and implemented JWT for session authentication.
- SQL query generation on the backend.
- REST API architecture.
I won't go through all the program structure, but only through the three files that have the biggest complexity, as I find the overall perspective quite helpful to understand the logic in them. Remember that further details are written as comments in the respective files:
- PostData()
- generateInsertQuery()
- convertToLowerCase()
- parseToSqlSyntax()
- generateInsertQuery()
- GetDBdata()
- generateGetQuery()
- handleLocationField() - due to query syntax uniqueness, a specific method was required.
- handleBuildingStatusField() - due to query syntax uniqueness, a specific method was required.
- handleCommonField()
- includeNullValues()
- initBuildingType()
- generateGetQuery()
- http://localhost:8080/api/venta_inmuebles
- http://localhost:8080/api/alquiler_inmuebles
- http://localhost:8080/api/emprendimientos
- ?location=string
- ?price_init=integer / ?price_limit=integer
- ?env_init=nullInteger / ?env_limit=nullInteger
- ?bedroom_init=nullInteger / ?bedroom_limit=nullInteger
- ?bathroom_init=nullInteger / ?bathroom_limit=nullInteger
- ?garage_init=nullInteger / ?garage_limit=nullInteger
- ?total_surface_init=nullInteger / ?total_surface_limit=nullInteger
- ?covered_surface_init=nullInteger / ?covered_surface_limit=nullInteger
- ?building_status= in_progress-or-pozo/pozo/in_progress
*nullInteger = accepts both null and integer.
- Clone the project and run "go run main.go" or "go run ." in the IDE terminal.
- Create a .env file in the root directory of the project with the following environment variables:
- PGS_USER="new_user"
- PGS_PWD="secure777"
- PGS_DB_NAME="Inmobiliaria_BD"
- API_KEY="1234"
- JWT_SECRET="super-secret-auth-key"
- Create a database with a user, password and database name as shown in the previous point. As for the tables:
- id - bigint notnull
- location - text notnull
- price - integer notnull
- env - smallint
- bedrooms - smallint
- bathrooms - smallint
- garages - smallint
- images - text[] notnull
- link_ml - text
- link_zonaprop - text
- link_argenprop - text
- currency - text
- total_surface - smallint
- covered_surface - smallint
- total_surface - smallint
- covered_surface - smallint
- pozo - boolean notnull
- in_progress - boolean notnull
Hit "localhost:8080/admin/jwt" with a get request. Inside the header, add a key value pair "Access":1234. You will receive a token, save it.
Hit "localhost:8080/admin/alquiler_inmueble" (note that the category is singular, unlike the database name that is plural) with a post request.
Inside the header, add a key value pair "Authentication": jwtToken, being jwtToken the value you saved in the previous step.
Inside the body, this is an example of a valid value to send in JSON format: {"location":"1","price":"2","currency":"usd","env":"3","bedrooms":"4","bathrooms":"5","garages":"6","link_ml":"7","link_zonaprop":"8","link_argenprop":"9","image_links":["10","11"]}
- Hit "localhost:8080/admin/alquiler_inmuebles".
Inside the header, add a key value pair "Authentication": jwtToken, being jwtToken the value you saved in the previous step.
Inside the body, this is an example of a valid value to send in JSON format: {"buildingId": 1628372893729}
Note that in order to know the ID you can either check the database, or use the Get request that will be shown next.
- Hit "localhost:8080/admin/alquiler_inmuebles".
No query params will retrieve all the records.
The possible queries may be find in the previous section "Queries", but here is an example: