Be an alchemist on neovim.
keys = {
{ "<leader>mfp", "<cmd>PotionMakerFunctionPipe<cr>", desc = "Pipe to function" },
{ "<leader>mfu", "<cmd>PotionMakerFunctionUnpipe<cr>", desc = "Unpipe from function" },
{ "<leader>mtt", "<cmd>PotionMakerToggleTestFile<cr>", desc = "Switch between test and source file" },
{ "<leader>mts", "<cmd>PotionMakerExecuteTestAtCursor<cr>", desc = "Run test at cursor position" },
{ "<leader>mtS", "<cmd>PotionMakerExecuteTestForCurrentFile<cr>", desc = "Run every test in current file" },
It requires to bind the lsp client to potion-maker
If you have a custom installation you can do:
require('lspconfig').elixirls.setup {
capabilities = capabilities,
cmd = { server_config.elixirls..'/' },
on_attach = function (...)
-- your others handlers