Replace your players' boring old name tags with customizable ones based on text displays! (Thanks to EntityLib!)
Currently, you can customize default name tags and create grouped name tags.
Install the plugin and access the plugins/NameTags/config.yml
for more information.
Designed primarily for developers, the NameTags api gives you lightweight yet powerful control over how the plugin operates.
You can override default behaviours using the setDefaultProvider
method, and
the NameTagEntityCreateEvent
to hook into a tag's creation. You can add your own features using the
Trait api.
public void onEnable() {
NameTags nameTags = NameTags.getInstance();
// Override the default "base" settings of a tag.
.setDefaultProvider((entity, meta) -> {
/* ... */
Here is an example where we can add an Item Display above the player's name tag
by using the Trait
class MyCustomTrait extends Trait {
// TODO create example by putting an ItemStack above a name tag.
public void onDisable() {
// Clean up stuff
class MyCustomListener implements Listener {
public void onTagCreate(@NotNull NameTagEntityCreateEvent event) {
if (!event.getBukkitEntity().getName().equals("MattMX")) return;
event.getTraits().getOrAddTrait(MyCustomTrait.class, MyCustomTrait::new);
Kotlin example
Here is a brief example of Kotlin usage, and shows that you can use the nametags on entities other than just Players!
In this example, a dropped item will display a timer of 4 seconds before it is removed from the world, with a timer above it!
fun onItemSpawn(event: ItemSpawnEvent) = event.apply {
entity.isPersistent = false
// Armour and tools should take longer to despawn
val ticksTillRemove = 80 // 4 seconds
val nameTagEntity = NameTags.getInstance()
nameTagEntity.modify { meta ->
meta.isShadow = true
meta.viewRange = 90f
meta.backgroundColor = NameTags.TRANSPARENT
meta.translation = Vector3f(0f, 0.45f, 0f)
meta.billboardConstraints = AbstractDisplayMeta.BillboardConstraints.VERTICAL
meta.textOpacity = (-180).toByte()
var counter = ticksTillRemove / 20L
val update = runAsyncRepeat(20) {
nameTagEntity.modify { meta ->
meta.text = Component.text(counter.toString()).color(NamedTextColor.RED)
runSyncLater(ticksTillRemove) {
if (entity.isValid) {
Currently the plugin does not support PlaceholderAPI's relational placeholders. -
Extension plugin to give players ability to customize their own name tags by using a command and customizable GUI interface.