Before compiling and running our application, we need to install/setup several languages, package managers, and various tools. The installation process can vary, so follow the instructions for each item below!
Go our primary backend language.
Node Package Manager our package manager in the frontend.
Docker and Docker Desktop our Postgres Database will be containerized in Docker.
Ngrok Allows us to easily connect the frontend to backend code.
Swagger visualizing the api and return types of requests from the database.
Task speeding up development by running long commands in quick phrases.
Nodemon a tool that watches code and reloads the build if it sees changes.
Create an .env file in the root directory:
Before contributing to the project, we need to install/setup several various tools. The installation process can vary, so follow the instructions for each item below!
Pre-commit standardizing code style and commits
Commitizen organizing our commits into categories
- Launch Docker Desktop
- In the base of the repo: run
task start-docker
- Then, open a new tab to run commands in: run
task start-backend
ortask start-dev
- You can now view swagger: http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html
- Next, in a new tab run
task start-ngrok
- Finally, open one last new tab: run
task start-frontend