An extension method that will apply specified Tallman lettering to any string. The default parameterless method, is intended to use all "known" Tallman lists. A single overload exists that allows a specific "known" list to be specified.
ToTallman can be applied anywhere a string is being output.
var d = "This drug is norfloxacin";
Console.WriteLine("{0} => {1}", d, d.ToTallman(); // To use the default list
Console.WriteLine("{0} => {1}", d, d.ToTallman(Tallman.List.AU)); //To specifiy a particular list
// This drug is norfloxacin => This drug is NORfloxacin
Built with .Net Standard 1.0, so it'll run on wherever .Net runs!
There is effectively zero impact on UI performance.[link to performance metrics - coming soon]
The algorithm is essentially a case insensitive Regex replacement for target words. Only words that match will be replaced.[link for ports - coming soon]
Planned lists for inclusion are
- Australia
- US FDA/ISMP distinction to be determined.
- New Zealand
- Canada
If you want to see additional lists supported, please raise an issue and at least provide some authoritative reference
Additional References:
Comparison of known lists to also be described on the wiki (eventually).