I am an App Academy graduate who has plenty of experience with frontend and backend languages, as well as much experience working with people who want to create things just like I do!
I enjoy trying to understand how things work, which was why I got my bachelor's degree in psychology: because I have an interest in seeing how people work. With this mentality, it made sense why I wanted to become a software engineer: because I am intrigued at how apps work. Analyzing pieces of an app's code and seeing all of the pieces of the puzzle working together to make something is interesting to me, and this is how I like to approach working on an app so that I can focus on one aspect of it at a time.
Other hobbies of mine include professional wrestling & skateboarding.
- I’m currently working on a new app I am calling "Poetry Corner", where users will be able to post their poetry, as well as favorite and comment on poems. This app utilizes React/Redux in the frontend, & Sequelize and Express servers in the backend. I will also be working on data structures & algorithm practice on LeetCode and HackerRank while also gaining more understanding of the concepts with a Colt Steele Udemy course on the subject.
If you are interested in reaching out to me, do so at [email protected].