Enhanced event log processing
Dynamically parsing event XML data to structured properties - all of the XML properties from a Windows event are sent as structured properties to Seq
Added a heartbeat function that allows detecting service down, and providing stats to Seq (suits dashboards etc)
Added "per-Windows event log" app interoperability properties - Priority, Responder, Tags, ProjectKey, Responders, InitialTimeEstimate, RemainingTimeEstimate, DueDate
Add per-log message templating to allow maximum configurability - any exposed property can be part of the template
Enhance ProcessRetroactiveEntries to allow saving the current bookmark between service stop/start
Add option for StoreLastEntry which can be used to save current bookmark between service stop/start, when ProcessRetroactiveEntries is not desirable
Allow optionally disabling file logging
Migrated from packages.config to PackageReference
Updated to .NET SDK type project
Update dependencies
Consolidate logging to Lurgle.Logging for a consistent Serilog-based approach to both service logging and processing Event Logs
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