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Simplest change workflow

  1. Open and edit a document on the website

  2. Submit a pull request for the individual change

  3. Images should be upoaded to All images sholud be scaled to 640 wide to fit the expected theme.

Advanced change workflow

  1. Log in to GitHub with your account
  2. Fork the repository to make your own copy
  3. image
  4. Download the repository to your computer using SourceTree
  5. Edit content on your local filesytem in the cloned repository using Visual Studio Code
  6. Commit your changes locally
  7. Push to your remote fork
  8. Issue a pull request from your fork

Wyam build and deploy

This is the short-term procedure required for success. Long term we need to resolve the Wyam/worktree conflicts and script this as part of deploy/build cake task

  1. Open PowerShell
  2. Change to your MatterControl-Help repository cd \source\mh-help
  3. Delete the output directory
  4. Remove the worktree git worktree prune
  5. Remove the local gh-pages branch git branch -D gh-pages
  6. Fetch git fetch --all
  7. Pull the latest content from the master branch git pull upstream master
  8. Build Wyam wyam build
  9. Rename the output directory mv output output_
  10. Map output directory to gh-pages worktree git worktree add output gh-pages
  11. Delete existing content (except for the .git file) in the output worktree
  12. Copy the build output into the worktree cp output_ output
  13. Create commit cd output; git add --all; git commit -m "Latest docs"
  14. Push the content to your local repo and issue a new pull request git push

Wyam TOC generation

Edit config.wyam to customize TOC generation


Documentation for MatterControl






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