Heroku stopped hosting this project for free. Until I figure out where to host this next, the links do not work.
Inspired by my spouses profession as a teacher, this project was created to help 3rd graders practice their math skills at one of my local elementary schools. Typically, students have a hard time switching between operators (multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction). The goal of the project was to get them accustomed to rapid math problem changes and practice their skills for the state's STAR tests.
Currently, the back-end and front-end is handled by Django (Python, CSS, HTML, JS) but another project is being built to handle the front-end using React. The repo for this project is called, "Python-Math-Game-Front-End".
Some improvements that I may implement at a later date:
1.) Difficulty Selection - Increasee or decrease the random integers that are used in the math problems.
2.) Operator Selection - Allow users to select what type of math problems they want to see.
3.) Problem Batch Mode - Give the users pre-made batches of problems instead of one at a time.
4.) Improved Stats Analysis - Give the teacher a better overview of the students performance using graphs/charts.
Click here to visit the in-production site hosted on Heroku. Below is a short demonstration of the webpage.
pip install django # You will need Django for the web development part of this project
pip install -r requirements.txt # Run this file to install all the necessary packages
import random
from random import choice
random.randint(0,12) # Returns a random number between 0 and 12
random.choice([func1,func2,func3]) # Returns a random element from a non-empty sequence item from a list, set, tuple, or dictionary
Matthew Hiebing: Matthew-Hiebing
Guillermo Vargas: gavargas22
Send me a message on GitHub (Matthew-Hiebing) or E-mail me at: [email protected].