Run the soft from terminal using python3 [-d input_path] [-o output_path] [-ind]
optional, defines the path to your data. Default is/data
in the same folder.[-o]
optional, defines the path to your results. Default is/results
in the same folder.[-ind]
optional, saves individual files. Default is one concatenated file.
You first have to go in the folder where is located using cd
. Exemple of use:
cd /Users/Me/Downloads/SF36-scores-main/
python3 -d /Users/Me/Documents/sf36/myData/ -o /Users/Me/Documents/sf36/myResults/ -ind
See more information in the /docs/documentation
WARNING: we use a version of the SF36 in which the order or the questions are different from original. See an exemple in /docs/sample
to check your questions order.
We used the guidelines "SF36 Health Survey - Manual and Interpretation Guide" from John E. Ware, Jr. PhD.
To cite this work:
Matthieu Gallou-Guyot. (2023). SF36-scores. Zenodo.