Releases: Maumasi/local_art
Wk4 - release
All view have been made for all routes. Everything being worked on at this point from this point is out of scope for this project according to the contract documentation created in month 1 of Final Project.
Wk3 progress
This week I fleshed out the rest of the views for the site visitor flow. I also built the invite system between the Venue entity and the Artist entity. The artists that are part of a market are now displayed on the Market details page so that visitors can check out the artist's detail page. Likewise, on the artist's details page all the market groups the artist is a part of are displayed for the visitor can check out other market pages.
There were several hotfixes that were made throughout the week as well.
Week 2 progress
This week I built out some view components and added Google Maps API to the venue's details page. I also took some time to start fleshing out the README file for this project.
Next week I'm going to be working on the venue and artist registration form views, login view and the artist details page.
A challenge I see coming up is the invite system. The invite feature is an out-of-scope feature but would really create some cohesion for the user's side of the site.
Models, views, and controllers
MVC has been started. Now that the artist and venue users have a very basic setup, the main focus will be on the user paths.