ThreeJS camera follows along CatmullRomCurve3 path while scrolling
This project is intended for demonstrating how to set up a perspective camera in ThreeJS, and have it move along a CatmullRomCurve3 while the scroll wheel is turned. A Blender Add-on is available for exporting NURBS paths to a compatible JSON file that can be useful for exporting NURBS curves and paths in a way that ThreeJS can read.
Blender Add-on:
How to move camera along curve while the mouse wheel scrolls:
- In Blender convert a NURBS path or curve to a Mesh.
- Export the created mesh to a JSON using the Add-on "Export Vertices to JSON".
- Add the JSON to the ./dist/src/models/ folder.
Required Files: ./src/curveTools/CurveMethods ./src/helpers/JSONHelper ./src/PositionAlongPathTools/
- Call loadCurveFromJSON from CurveMethods.js and pass the path to the JSON file.
- This will load the JSON file. Then, convert it to a CatmullRomCurve3. It will also create a tube shaped mesh around the curve.
- This method returns the curveAndMesh object.
- The CatmullRomCurve3 is set to the returned object's .curve value.
- The tube mesh is set to the returned object's .mesh value.
- Create an object to track the state using PositionAlongPathState
- In PositionAlongPathState.js
- Adjust movementDuration for how many milliseconds you would like it to take for the object to move the desired distance.
- Adjust lengthToScroll to how many "ticks" of the scroll wheel it should take to completely traverse the path.
- In PositionAlongPathState.js
- When the mouse is scrolled, call handleScroll from PositionAlongPathMethods
- Pass the scroll event and the positionAlongPathState
- During each animation frame, call updatePosition from PositionAlongPathMethods
- pass the curve and mesh object returned from loadCurveFromJSON
- pass the camera, and the positionAlongPathState object