datasets: MRI Head, Computer Graphics Group; CTA Head with Aneurysm, Division of Neuroradiology, University of Erlangen, Germany
This software is a simple renderer for volumetric data - e.g. from CT or MRT scans - with an approximization for global lighting and scattering phenomenons. The only dependencies are CMake 3.1.1 or newer, Qt5 and OpenGL 4.0. It is roughly based on techniques for texture based volume rendering as proposed in:
Real-time Volume Graphics, Engel et. al. 2006
Acceleration Techniques for GPU-based Volume Rendering, Krüger et. al. 2003
The methods for rendering global lighting and multiple scattering are taken from
Interactive Global Light Propagation in Direct Volume Rendering using Local Piecewise Integration, Hernell et. al. 2008
- Direct Volume Rendering and Maximum Intensity Projection
- simple 1D colour and opacity transfer function editor
- local Phong lighting
- global lighting (single scattering) through shadow volumes
- an approximation for uniformly distributed multiple scattering
Volume data must exist in RAW-format with the following layout:
- One line containing three space separated integer numbers indicating the volumes grid size in X, Y and Z direction respectively.
- One line containing three space separated floating point numbers indicating the volumes size in X, Y and Z dimension respectively.
- The raw volume byte data consisting of unsigned numbers of 1, 2 or 4 bytes size per grid cell e.g.:
456 300 488
0.7 1 0.7
[byte data]
Public volume datasets can be found, for example, on