MinecraftDecompiler v2.4 released
A new release of MinecraftDecompiler.
- Add mapping writers
- Delegate SysErr to Log4J when CFR is running
- Delegate SysOut to Log4J when FernFlower is running
- Remove input arg in deobfuscate() method in MinecraftDecompiler because the Options API already has an input option
- The abstract class (Paired/Namespaced)MappingProcessor in AbstractMappingReader are interfaces now
- Fix directory not being deleted
- Fix tsrgv2 mappings not being read properly
- Now tsrgv1's version is correctly represented in the version field
- Add a few useful methods in namespaced mappings
- Update Spigot FernFlower
- Non-static methods' params in tsrgv2 can now be correctly applied when renaming lvt
- Properties now use public static fields
- Remove deobfuscate(Path output), decompile(DecompilerType,Path input,Path output) and decompileCustomized(String,Path input,Path output) in MinecraftDecompiler.java, use Options API instead
- Remove --ourDir, --outDeobfName --outDecomName options, use --output and --outputDecomp instead(Run MinecraftDecompiler with --help for more information)
- Now the --targetNamespace is correctly passed to MinecraftDecompiler
- Add --dontIncludeOthers options to drop the resource files in output jar