This is a set of simple classes to handle various types of
genomic/transcriptomic data. Some of these classes are wrappers for
other python modules such as gffutils
. In order to use these classes various
python modules will need to be installed. Including:
- cPickle
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- pysam
- gffutils
- pyvcf
I suggest using this repository as a subtree in your project. This will allow you to pull changes to mclib_Python while the project is active. But then have a code freeze once the project is published, so that you can easily tell what code was run. First setup you project's scripts folder as a git repository. Then to subtree this library do the following inside of your scripts folder.
Add the mclib_Python remote
$ git remote add mclib_Python [email protected]:McIntyre-Lab/mclib_Python.git
Create the Subtree
$ git subtree add --prefix=mclib_Python --squash mclib_Python master
To pull updates from upstream
$ git subtree pull --prefix=mclib_Python --squash mclib_Python master
To push updates to upstream
$ git subtree push --prefix=mclib_Python --squash mclib_Python master
For more detailed information about this library please see McIntyre Library Documentation