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RFTools Blocks

McJty edited this page Jul 1, 2015 · 73 revisions

General tips:

  • Almost all blocks in this mod can be rotated by using a wrench. Except for the Endergenic Generator which has another wrench functionality.
  • All blocks can be picked up without powerloss, inventory loss and loss of settings by using a wrench while sneaking. This way you can easily pick up a crafter and have it keep its recipes, contents and energy (for example). Only settings that are relevant are remembered. Picking up an RF Monitor for example will not remember which block it was monitoring as that depends on the actual location of the block. You can also simply break the block with a pickaxe and it will also remember the settings and contents.

Security System:

RFTools comes with a limited security system designed to block people from using the GUI on various blocks. Read more about this system here.

Some general items:


Teleportation System

Logic Blocks

  • Machine Base: the base slab-block for all logic blocks.
  • Sequencer: sequencer for generating redstone signals in a specific pattern
  • Counter: count redstone pulses and emit a signal when a certain amount is reached
  • Timer: generate a timed redstone pulse unless a pulse is recevied in the mean time
  • Ender Monitor: use in combination with the Endergenic power generator in order to monitor the system.
  • Wireless Redstone: two logic blocks to handle wireless redstone.

Power Generator

Shield System

Modular Screen System

Modular Environmental Controller

Mob Spawner

Block Protector

Storage System


  • Builder: Use the Builder to copy, move or swap structures in the world. Even accross dimensions.

Dimension Builder

Dimlet Construction

  • Introduction: Introduction to creating your own dimlets with the Dimlet Workbench
  • Dimlet Essences: The different types of essences you need to create dimlets
  • Examples: Some actual examples to help you get started

Commands and Configuration

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