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RFTools Todo

McJty edited this page May 21, 2015 · 52 revisions

Screen System

  • Dimension Map module: show map of area around spawn point in dimension
  • Map module: show map of a selected area
  • 3D Render module: nice to have but somewhat more complicated. Show a 3D render of an area. Possibly tied to a camera system. Perhaps easiest done with LookingGlass? Camera system?
  • Modules for other mods like RotaryCraft/Big Reactors, ...

Dimension Building

  • Animated plasma skies if I can find an efficient way to do that
  • More sky related features in general.
  • Dimension Feeder block: can give power to multiple dimensions at once but can't create dimensions.
  • Add config option to control the oregen feature dimlet.
  • Creative dimension builder that also sets the maintenance cost to 0 after creating the dimension.
  • Dimlet to prevent flight.
  • Add 'essences' for biome controllers, terrain, features, structures, ... so that these too can be made in the dimlet workbench.

Storage System

  • Show a better error instead of '(no storage)' that depends on what exactly is wrong (no power, out of reach, ...)
  • Module for Forestry bees
  • Module for Forestry saplings
  • Module for Thaumcraft
  • Allow usage of a modular storage item as a hand-held device similar to how this is already possible with a remote storage module.
  • Consider multi-block usage with a separate monitor block so you can interact with multiple inventories at the same time.


  • Animate front cover of crafter if it is busy crafting
  • Option to ignore damage values for input (so you can automate crafting with a microblocks saw for example)
  • Option to only craft until a certain number of items is reached.
  • A Crafter Terminal block that can communicate with several other crafters and allows you to 'request' items on demand?

Teleportation System

  • Improve the visuals of the matter transmitter beam.
  • See if we can add a transparent overlay of the destination using Looking Glass.
  • Add an improved hand-held porter item that can teleport to multiple receivers.


  • Block that has a more controlled way to insert something into a container. Can be used to switch dimension in a dimension builder or switch the chamber card in a space projector.
  • More precision for the RF monitor in its display (i.e. more then just 5 steps)
  • Endergenic feeder: insert food and RF -> you get food (half the nutrition value)
  • Animate front cover of storage scanner if it is busy scanning
  • Add a fast/slow option to the storage scanner to enable a 'fast' mode that uses more energy but goes a lot faster
  • Some kind of RF based auto-defense system.
  • An RF based audio alarm (can be used in combination with dimension monitor for example).
  • An entity/player detector (can be used in combination with the alarm above).
  • New 'energy transmitter' block that can send RF directly into machines. This would add a percentage loss based on distance to the machine.
  • RF Based chunk loader.
  • Reuse the (currently not working) block projection system blocks for a block builder. Basically a device that can copy areas (given the right materials) and rebuild (or move) them elsewhere.
  • Add an auto-eject option for the item and dimlet filters.
  • Add config options to disable parts of rftools.
  • Mark off an area where time is accelerated (using RF).
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