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M4Competition committed Jun 11, 2018
1 parent 54401c7 commit d5d754c
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Showing 164 changed files with 12,187 additions and 12,187 deletions.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
filenames = c("Yearly", "Quarterly", "Monthly", "Weekly", "Daily", "Hourly")
horizons = c(6, 8, 18, 13, 14, 48)
freqs = c(1, 4, 12, 52, 7, 168)

for (d in 1:6){
conn <- file(paste0(filenames[d], "-train.csv"),open="r")
linn <- readLines(conn)

series = NULL
for (i in 2:length(linn)){
print(paste(d, i))

aline = linn[i]
aline = strsplit(aline, ",")[[1]]
n = min(as.numeric(min(which(aline == "")) - 2), length(aline) - 1)
x = array(NA, n)
for (i in 1:n){
x[i] = as.numeric(substr(aline[i+1], 2, nchar(aline[i+1]) - 1))

series = append(series, list(list(n=n, h=horizons[d], frequency=freqs[d], x=ts(x, frequency=freqs[d]))))

save(series, file=paste0(filenames[d], ".RData"))
filenames = c("Yearly", "Quarterly", "Monthly", "Weekly", "Daily", "Hourly")
horizons = c(6, 8, 18, 13, 14, 48)
freqs = c(1, 4, 12, 52, 7, 168)

for (d in 1:6){
conn <- file(paste0(filenames[d], "-train.csv"),open="r")
linn <- readLines(conn)

series = NULL
for (i in 2:length(linn)){
print(paste(d, i))

aline = linn[i]
aline = strsplit(aline, ",")[[1]]
n = min(as.numeric(min(which(aline == "")) - 2), length(aline) - 1)
x = array(NA, n)
for (i in 1:n){
x[i] = as.numeric(substr(aline[i+1], 2, nchar(aline[i+1]) - 1))

series = append(series, list(list(n=n, h=horizons[d], frequency=freqs[d], x=ts(x, frequency=freqs[d]))))

save(series, file=paste0(filenames[d], ".RData"))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
cl = registerDoSNOW(makeCluster(4, type = "SOCK"))

# Datasets sizes
tsns = c(23000, 24000, 48000, 359, 4227, 414)


# The below will produce forecasts for the first 10 series of each frequency
ids = array(NA, c(2, 6*12))
ids[1,] = rep(1:6, each=12)
ids[2,] = rep(12:1, 6)

# # The below will produce forecasts for the 13th yearly series, the 45th and the 10001th quarterly, the 30102th monthly and the 11th weekly
# ids = array(NA, c(2, 5))
# ids[1,] = c(1,2,2,3,4)
# ids[2,] = c(13,45,10001,30102,11)

# # The below will produce forecasts for all series
# ids = array(NA, c(2,100000))
# ids[1,] = c(rep(1,tsns[1]),rep(2,tsns[2]),rep(3,tsns[3]),rep(4,tsns[4]),rep(5,tsns[5]),rep(6,tsns[6]))
# ids[2,] = c(1:tsns[1],1:tsns[2],1:tsns[3],1:tsns[4],1:tsns[5],1:tsns[6])

# # The below will produce forecasts for Y and Q series
# ids = array(NA, c(2, sum(tsns[1:2])))
# ids[1,] = c(rep(1, tsns[1]), rep(2, tsns[2]))
# ids[2,] = c(1:tsns[1], 1:tsns[2])

# # The below will produce forecasts for M series
# ids = array(NA, c(2, sum(tsns[3])))
# ids[1,] = c(rep(3, tsns[3]))
# ids[2,] = c(1:tsns[3])

# # The below will produce forecasts for W, D, and H series
# ids = array(NA, c(2, sum(tsns[4:6])))
# ids[1,] = c(rep(4, tsns[4]), rep(5, tsns[5]), rep(6, tsns[6]))
# ids[2,] = c(1:tsns[4], 1:tsns[5], 1:tsns[6])


# Define structures for all forecasts and prediction intervals
datasets = sort(unique(ids[1,]))
the_names = list(c(if (any(datasets == 1)){paste0("Y", sort((ids[2,][ids[1,]==1])))},
if (any(datasets == 2)){paste0("Q", sort((ids[2,][ids[1,]==2])))},
if (any(datasets == 3)){paste0("M", sort((ids[2,][ids[1,]==3])))},
if (any(datasets == 4)){paste0("W", sort((ids[2,][ids[1,]==4])))},
if (any(datasets == 5)){paste0("D", sort((ids[2,][ids[1,]==5])))},
if (any(datasets == 6)){paste0("H", sort((ids[2,][ids[1,]==6])))}),
paste0("F", 1:48))
all_ffcs = array(NA, c(dim(ids)[2], 48), dimnames = the_names)
all_lower = array(NA, c(dim(ids)[2], 48), dimnames = the_names)
all_upper = array(NA, c(dim(ids)[2], 48), dimnames = the_names)

for (d in datasets){

# Read dataset (produced by the separate R script)
if (d==1){
frequency = 1; horizon = 6; load("Yearly.RData")
} else if (d==2){
frequency = 4; horizon = 8; load("Quarterly.RData")
} else if (d==3){
frequency = 12; horizon = 18; load("Monthly.RData")
} else if (d==4){
frequency = 52; horizon = 13; load("Weekly.RData")
} else if (d==5){
frequency = 7; horizon = 14; load("Daily.RData")
} else if (d==6){
frequency = 168; horizon = 48; load("Hourly.RData")
tsn = length(series)

# Parallel processing of series
all_fcs <- foreach (tsi=sort((ids[2,][ids[1,]==d])), .combine='rbind', .packages=c('forecast', 'forecTheta', 'smooth')) %dopar% {

# Record progress
write(paste(d, tsi), file = paste("progress.txt"), append=FALSE)

# Retrieve series
y = ts(as.vector(series[[tsi]]$x), frequency = frequency)

# Define structures to hold forecasts and prediction intervals for one series
fcs = array(NA, c(4, horizon))
pis = array(NA, c(4, horizon, 2))

if (frequency(y) > 24){
# condition for W and H
fcs1 = es(y, h=horizon, intervals="p", level=0.95)
fcs[1,] = as.vector(fcs1$forecast)
} else {
fcs1 = forecast(ets(y), h=horizon, level=95)
fcs[1,] = as.vector(forecast(fcs1, h=horizon)$mean)
pis[1,,1] = fcs1$lower
pis[1,,2] = fcs1$upper

fcs2 = auto.ces(y, h=horizon, intervals="p", level=0.95)
fcs[2,] = as.vector(fcs2$forecast)
pis[2,,1] = fcs2$lower
pis[2,,2] = fcs2$upper

fcs3 = forecast(auto.arima(y), h=horizon, level=95)
fcs[3,] = as.vector(forecast(fcs3, h=horizon)$mean)
pis[3,,1] = fcs3$lower
pis[3,,2] = fcs3$upper

if (length(as.vector(y)) > 5000){
# condition for D2047, D2194 and D4099
fcs4 = dotm(ts(tail(as.vector(y), 5000), frequency = frequency(y)), h=horizon, level=95)
} else {
fcs4 = dotm(y, h=horizon, level=95)
fcs[4,] = as.vector(fcs4$mean)
pis[4,,1] = fcs4$lower
pis[4,,2] = fcs4$upper

# bind forecasts and prediction intervals in a singe vector
fcspis = c(apply(fcs, 2, median), apply(pis[,,1], 2 ,median), apply(pis[,,2], 2 ,median))

# set negative values to zero
fcspis[fcspis < 0] = 0



all_ffcs[(sum(ids[1,]<d)+1):(sum(ids[1,]<=d)), 1:horizon] = all_fcs[,1:horizon]
all_lower[(sum(ids[1,]<d)+1):(sum(ids[1,]<=d)), 1:horizon] = all_fcs[,(horizon+1):(2*horizon)]
all_upper[(sum(ids[1,]<d)+1):(sum(ids[1,]<=d)), 1:horizon] = all_fcs[,(2*horizon+1):(3*horizon)]


# Save forecasts and intervals in csv files
write.csv(all_ffcs, "all-ffcs.csv")
write.csv(all_lower, "all-lower.csv")
cl = registerDoSNOW(makeCluster(4, type = "SOCK"))

# Datasets sizes
tsns = c(23000, 24000, 48000, 359, 4227, 414)


# The below will produce forecasts for the first 10 series of each frequency
ids = array(NA, c(2, 6*12))
ids[1,] = rep(1:6, each=12)
ids[2,] = rep(12:1, 6)

# # The below will produce forecasts for the 13th yearly series, the 45th and the 10001th quarterly, the 30102th monthly and the 11th weekly
# ids = array(NA, c(2, 5))
# ids[1,] = c(1,2,2,3,4)
# ids[2,] = c(13,45,10001,30102,11)

# # The below will produce forecasts for all series
# ids = array(NA, c(2,100000))
# ids[1,] = c(rep(1,tsns[1]),rep(2,tsns[2]),rep(3,tsns[3]),rep(4,tsns[4]),rep(5,tsns[5]),rep(6,tsns[6]))
# ids[2,] = c(1:tsns[1],1:tsns[2],1:tsns[3],1:tsns[4],1:tsns[5],1:tsns[6])

# # The below will produce forecasts for Y and Q series
# ids = array(NA, c(2, sum(tsns[1:2])))
# ids[1,] = c(rep(1, tsns[1]), rep(2, tsns[2]))
# ids[2,] = c(1:tsns[1], 1:tsns[2])

# # The below will produce forecasts for M series
# ids = array(NA, c(2, sum(tsns[3])))
# ids[1,] = c(rep(3, tsns[3]))
# ids[2,] = c(1:tsns[3])

# # The below will produce forecasts for W, D, and H series
# ids = array(NA, c(2, sum(tsns[4:6])))
# ids[1,] = c(rep(4, tsns[4]), rep(5, tsns[5]), rep(6, tsns[6]))
# ids[2,] = c(1:tsns[4], 1:tsns[5], 1:tsns[6])


# Define structures for all forecasts and prediction intervals
datasets = sort(unique(ids[1,]))
the_names = list(c(if (any(datasets == 1)){paste0("Y", sort((ids[2,][ids[1,]==1])))},
if (any(datasets == 2)){paste0("Q", sort((ids[2,][ids[1,]==2])))},
if (any(datasets == 3)){paste0("M", sort((ids[2,][ids[1,]==3])))},
if (any(datasets == 4)){paste0("W", sort((ids[2,][ids[1,]==4])))},
if (any(datasets == 5)){paste0("D", sort((ids[2,][ids[1,]==5])))},
if (any(datasets == 6)){paste0("H", sort((ids[2,][ids[1,]==6])))}),
paste0("F", 1:48))
all_ffcs = array(NA, c(dim(ids)[2], 48), dimnames = the_names)
all_lower = array(NA, c(dim(ids)[2], 48), dimnames = the_names)
all_upper = array(NA, c(dim(ids)[2], 48), dimnames = the_names)

for (d in datasets){

# Read dataset (produced by the separate R script)
if (d==1){
frequency = 1; horizon = 6; load("Yearly.RData")
} else if (d==2){
frequency = 4; horizon = 8; load("Quarterly.RData")
} else if (d==3){
frequency = 12; horizon = 18; load("Monthly.RData")
} else if (d==4){
frequency = 52; horizon = 13; load("Weekly.RData")
} else if (d==5){
frequency = 7; horizon = 14; load("Daily.RData")
} else if (d==6){
frequency = 168; horizon = 48; load("Hourly.RData")
tsn = length(series)

# Parallel processing of series
all_fcs <- foreach (tsi=sort((ids[2,][ids[1,]==d])), .combine='rbind', .packages=c('forecast', 'forecTheta', 'smooth')) %dopar% {

# Record progress
write(paste(d, tsi), file = paste("progress.txt"), append=FALSE)

# Retrieve series
y = ts(as.vector(series[[tsi]]$x), frequency = frequency)

# Define structures to hold forecasts and prediction intervals for one series
fcs = array(NA, c(4, horizon))
pis = array(NA, c(4, horizon, 2))

if (frequency(y) > 24){
# condition for W and H
fcs1 = es(y, h=horizon, intervals="p", level=0.95)
fcs[1,] = as.vector(fcs1$forecast)
} else {
fcs1 = forecast(ets(y), h=horizon, level=95)
fcs[1,] = as.vector(forecast(fcs1, h=horizon)$mean)
pis[1,,1] = fcs1$lower
pis[1,,2] = fcs1$upper

fcs2 = auto.ces(y, h=horizon, intervals="p", level=0.95)
fcs[2,] = as.vector(fcs2$forecast)
pis[2,,1] = fcs2$lower
pis[2,,2] = fcs2$upper

fcs3 = forecast(auto.arima(y), h=horizon, level=95)
fcs[3,] = as.vector(forecast(fcs3, h=horizon)$mean)
pis[3,,1] = fcs3$lower
pis[3,,2] = fcs3$upper

if (length(as.vector(y)) > 5000){
# condition for D2047, D2194 and D4099
fcs4 = dotm(ts(tail(as.vector(y), 5000), frequency = frequency(y)), h=horizon, level=95)
} else {
fcs4 = dotm(y, h=horizon, level=95)
fcs[4,] = as.vector(fcs4$mean)
pis[4,,1] = fcs4$lower
pis[4,,2] = fcs4$upper

# bind forecasts and prediction intervals in a singe vector
fcspis = c(apply(fcs, 2, median), apply(pis[,,1], 2 ,median), apply(pis[,,2], 2 ,median))

# set negative values to zero
fcspis[fcspis < 0] = 0



all_ffcs[(sum(ids[1,]<d)+1):(sum(ids[1,]<=d)), 1:horizon] = all_fcs[,1:horizon]
all_lower[(sum(ids[1,]<d)+1):(sum(ids[1,]<=d)), 1:horizon] = all_fcs[,(horizon+1):(2*horizon)]
all_upper[(sum(ids[1,]<d)+1):(sum(ids[1,]<=d)), 1:horizon] = all_fcs[,(2*horizon+1):(3*horizon)]


# Save forecasts and intervals in csv files
write.csv(all_ffcs, "all-ffcs.csv")
write.csv(all_lower, "all-lower.csv")
write.csv(all_upper, "all-upper.csv")
File renamed without changes.

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