- Generated with Bangular.
- If you want to add routes/directives, follow the instructions on the Bangular Readme.
- Download Node.js
- Download Git Bash
- Open up git bash and browse to the folder where you want to place iPallor
git clone https://github.com/MedAppJamTeam14/iPallor.git
cd iPallor
npm install -g bower gulp
bower install && npm install
to start server
npm install -g phantomjs
gulp e2e:update
gulp test
gulp e2e
- run gulp and start servergulp build
- build dist version of app (concatenate + minify)gulp lint
- lint with JSHint and JSCSgulp test
- test with Karma and Mocha (unit-testing)gulp e2e
- test with Protractor (end-to-end testing)gulp bump [--major || --minor || --patch]
- bump version