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Jacob edited this page Sep 8, 2019 · 1 revision

Modes tell the plugin when particles should be displayed to players


Always display particles
mode: active

When Moving

Only display particles when the player is moving
mode: when_moving


Only display particles when the player is AFK
You can configure how long the plugin waits in config.yml
mode: when_afk


Particles are always displayed until the player is either attacked, or attacks an entity
You can configure which entities are checked in config.yml
mode: when_peaceful

Gliding (1.9+)

Display particles when the player is using an Elytra
mode: when_gliding


Only display particles when the player is running
mode: when_sprinting

Swimming (1.13+)

Only display particles when the player is swimming
mode: when_swimming


Only display particles when the player has creative flight
mode: when_flying

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