This is a game called Cvillenomic. The rules, and any other relevant game state, are tracked at https://github.com/Meekohi/cvillenomic
The game is played according to the rules that prevail at the time.Actions that do not obey these rules or are not specified by these rules are not part of the game.
The phrase "the channel" refers to the "Cville" team's #cvillenomic Slack channel.
A player is defined as a human organism present in the channel.
A rule is any numbered block of this document.
A rule is either β_protected_β or not. @jxf 1. A rule is protected if and only if it has "!!!" immediately following its numbered section identifier. @dplepage
Players may propose modifications to the rules and/or the gamestate via the channel. Players are encouraged to use bold text to indicate when they're proposing modifications (and are discouraged from using bold text in other messages).
A modification shall be enacted if it has not been modified and any of the following are true: * More than half of all current players have left a π reaction on it, or * At least 24 hours have elapsed since the modification was proposed, and more players have left π reactions than π reactions on it.
@meekohi will perform these updates, but other players with
experience are encouraged to submit pull requests when appropriate to make his life easier. -
A modification to a protected rule or its subrules shall be enacted only if there are no π votes on it.
A player's name is signed if a rule ends with the
character followed by that player's slack username. -
A player's name is slandered if a rule ends with the
character followed by that player's slack username. -
A player's reputation is the number of times their name is signed minus the number of times that player's name is slandered.
A player wins if their reputation is greater than 20 or less than -40. @dplepage
When a player votes in the #cvillenomic slack channel, they gain one reputation, but no more than once per player per weekday. @jhwhite
Two players may duel by wagering some of their reputation and playing any suitable game with a random winner (flip a coin, rock paper scissors, war, etc) visible to everyone in the channel. A third player should referee the duel to ensure fairness and compliance with the rules of Cvillenomic. At the conclusion of the duel, the winner of the game receives all wagered reputation and the referee gains one reputation.
No player may gain more than two reputation per day for refereeing duels. @dplepage
Don't be a jerk
!!! Players shouldn't do any of the things listed in rule 4.2. We can't actually stop you, but know that doing these doesn't make you clever or cool, it just makes you an asshole and nobody will want to play games with you: @dplepage
Players shouldn't do these things:
- Changing your vote reaction on a proposal that's already resolved
- Erasing/editing modification posts that have already been resolved
- Pretending to be multiple different people in the channel
- Un-pinning other players' pinned posts (except when the rules specifically allow you to do so)
The Scoreboard
When a rule or modification states that a player gains or loses reputation, new rules are automatically added to this section containing the minimum text necessary to sign or slander that player's name as necessary to make the prescribed reputation change.
Nov 23 Voting
- @dplepage
- @meekohi
- @kevin
Nov 25 Voting
- @dplepage
- @meekohi
- @kevin
- @jxf
Nov 27 Voting
- @dplepage
- @meekohi
- @itruett
- @kevin
Nov 30 Voting
- @dplepage
- @meekohi
- @kevin
- @jxf
Dec 1 Voting
- @meekohi
- @rduplain
- @dplepage
- @kevin
Dec 2 Voting
- @dplepage
- @meekohi
- @kevin
- @jxf
Dec 3 Voting
- @dplepage
- @meekohi
- @kevin
- @jxf
Dec 4 Voting
- @dplepage
- @meekohi
- @jxf
The Biggest Number Game
%jxfjxf's + 1
%dplepagejxf's + 1
Referee of the Biggest Number Game
- @dplepage
- @jxf
- @rduplain
Dec 4 Voting
- @jhwhite
- @meekohi
- @jxf
- @dplepage
Dec 8 Voting
- @jhwhite
Dec 14 Voting
- @dplepage
- @meekohi
Dec 18 Voting
- @dplepage
- @meekohi
- @kevin