My first Unity project
This Game is like Pong but it is a bit different
First of all the ball is corona virus and it shouldn't hit you.
Whenever virus hits your health decreases.
There are 3 game modes
1-) Human vs Human mode - You can play this mode with your friends. If you are an asocial sycopath like me you can control both of them
"Controls are W-S and UP-DOWN buttons"
2-) Human vs AI mode - There is a stupid AI and you can try to beat it.
3-) AI vs AI mode - Two stupid AI try to win its fun to watch :D
If you want to play you can download the zip file and open escape from corona.exe
Unity Version 2019.4.2f1
Yeah I know there are a lot of bugs maybe i will fix them or add some new features. You are welcome to download and make changes or play.