Tools for analyzing the DECam DDF program data.
To use the publicly-available photometry for candidates in the extragalactic fields (COSMOS and ELAIS), please go straight to the extragalactic_fields/science_with_candidates/
directory (link).
All of the notebooks in this repo use Python 3 and were developed in the NERSC JupyterHub environment.
Most of the notebooks (except in the extragalactic_fields/science_with_candidates/
directory) access password-protected databases and are not intended for public use.
DECAT Extragalactic Subtraction Viewer (by Rob Knop):
The proprietary period for all images have been waived. All can be found in the NOIRLab Astro Data Archive: using proposal ids 2021A-0113 and 2021B-0149 (PI Graham).
- "object" refers to a single detection in a difference image
- "candidate" refers to associated detections at a given sky location
- "probably-real" extragalactic candidates means >= 10 detections, mean R/B >= 0.4
- cuts shown to be reasonable in
- cuts also discussed in Section 3 of Graham et al. (in prep)
- cuts shown to be reasonable in
archive_image_list.txt : generated by MLG using NOIRLab's DataLab to access DECam images from archive; contains a bunch of metadata for DDF images (RA, Dec, MJD, filter, airmass, target, exposure time, sequence ID, image type classification, moon separation, moon illumination, estimate of sky background in counts)