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This project is a Powershell tool that retreive access ACLs on directories and optionaly retreive AD group data related to the attribution of those ACLs
This script requires Powershell 7.0 and ActiveDirectory module
To install this module, you first need to download the project. You can then copy the module to your modules directory and then load it with:
Import-Module Maat
Symlink works perfectly too.
Alternatively, you can just import it directly from the project directory with:
Import-Module C:\Path\To\Maat
Invoke-MaatHeart -XMLConfigPath CONFIGPATH -OutPath OUTPATH -Server SERVERLIST -DebubMode-Override
Invoke-MaatHeart -Help
Invoke-MaatHeart -Version
-DebugMode toggle debug mode to show more log messages
-Help show this help message and exit
-Outpath OUTPATH output file path
-Override if toggled the date will not be mentioned in the result name
-Server SERVERLIST server list to use for ad queries
-Version show version and exit
-XMLConfigPath CONFIGPATH path of the configuration
Invoke-MaatWeighing -FeatherPath FEATHERPATH -HeartPath HEARTPATH
Invoke-MaatWeighing -Help
Invoke-MaatWeighing -Version
-FeatherPath FEATHERPATH path of the 'feather' result (base result)
-HeartPath HEARTPATH path of the 'heart' result (new result)
-Help show this help message and exit
-Version show version and exit
For help using this tool, please open an issue on the Github repository: