In this example, I will be showing how to generate a report on set of psuedo-Patients. I use an excel file as my input.
- GeneratedReports: This directory will house any of the final reports generated.
- PsuedoData: Contains a single excel of made up patients with random mutations from gnomAD database.
- ReportTemplate: This directory contains the simple template report template
- script: Contains a Python script that turns the excel data into set of reports.
The script can be viewed by opening the the python file in a text editor. If running on the command line the man can be viewed with:
python3 script/ --h
This returns:
usage: [-h] -inFile INFILE -template TEMPLATE -outdir OUTPUT
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-inFile INFILE Path to input file containing NGS excel file
-template TEMPLATE Path to the word template file
-outdir OUTPUT Path to output directory. This is the directory where all reports will be written too
To run the script on the commandline:
python3 -inFile <path to input excel> -template <path to template docx> -outdir <path to output dir>