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(Eleventy-base-blog readme below)

Micah Torcellini's modification

YouTube shortcode

Embeds a responsive, lazyloading YouTube video. The width and height should be reduced fractions (i.e. aspect ratio). Currently any combination of aspect ratio values will still create a 16x9 video; if needed, this can be updated in the future.

{% ytEmbed 'id', width, height, 'title', 'optional css classes'}
{% ytEmbed 'ZHKVYSwl67M', 16, 9, 'About Scramble the Duck', 'card' %}


  • _data/metadata.json is used throughout the site.



  • To run a development server: npm run dev
  • To compile SASS: npm run sass
  • To build: npm run build
  • this site is deployed to Netlify


This project uses BEM syntax, modified by ABEM.

The grid structure and accessibility properties are heavily based on Bootstrap, but are configured differently to work with ABEM.

Font-sizes are often adjusted with RFS.

Color scheme by this protocol


atoms (small, simple components)
global (styles that either apply globally or not to a specific component)
    layout (see below)
    layouts (layout-specific design files)
    molecules (larger components)
    organisms (the largest components)
    utils (styles that function in the background, such as resets, see below)


The grid uses the ABEM syntax. Columns are created using .col, and are assigned widths using -w[value] for wide and -n[value] for narrow.

For columns that will be equally sized, use "auto" for the value.


    <div class="col -w6">This is six out of twelve units wide on a wide breakpoint</div>
    <div class="col -n6">This is six out of twelve units on both breakpoints</div>
    <div class="col -auto">This is an automatic width</div>


_normalize.scss is from normalize.css. _reset.scss contains some other minor reset styles.

Accessability styles

.-sr is for screen reader-only content, and .-skip-link is for skip links and will become visible when focused.


A starter repository showing how to build a blog with the Eleventy static site generator.

Build Status


Getting Started

1. Clone this repository:

git clone my-blog-name

2. Navigate to the directory

cd my-blog-name

Specifically have a look at .eleventy.js to see if you want to configure any Eleventy options differently.

3. Install dependencies

npm install

4. Edit _data/metadata.json

5. Run Eleventy

npx eleventy

Or build and host locally for local development

npx eleventy --serve

Or build automatically when a template changes:

npx eleventy --watch

Or in debug mode:

DEBUG=* npx eleventy

Implementation Notes

  • about/ shows how to add a content page.
  • posts/ has the blog posts but really they can live in any directory. They need only the post tag to be added to this collection.
  • Add the nav tag to add a template to the top level site navigation. For example, this is in use on index.njk and about/
  • Content can be any template format (blog posts needn’t be markdown, for example). Configure your supported templates in .eleventy.js -> templateFormats.
    • Because css and png are listed in templateFormats but are not supported template types, any files with these extensions will be copied without modification to the output (while keeping the same directory structure).
  • The blog post feed template is in feed/feed.njk. This is also a good example of using a global data files in that it uses _data/metadata.json.
  • This example uses three layouts:
    • _includes/layouts/base.njk: the top level HTML structure
    • _includes/layouts/home.njk: the home page template (wrapped into base.njk)
    • _includes/layouts/post.njk: the blog post template (wrapped into base.njk)
  • _includes/postlist.njk is a Nunjucks include and is a reusable component used to display a list of all the posts. index.njk has an example of how to use it.


Micah Torcellini's personal website







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