This is a car racing game against an AI trained using the NEAT module in Python.
Press "Open in Gitpod" button below to play!
- ARROW-UP: Move forward
- ARROW-LEFT: Turn left
- ARROW-RIGHT: Turn right
- ARROW-DOWN: Move Backward
Chose a difficulty and start the game. Each difficulty has 5 levels where the cars will get progressively faster. Beat the AI to move on to the next level.
TIP: Drag down the terminal under the game to make the game larger.
To see the Machine Learning Simulator in action:
- Close the Racing Game window in the Gitpod browser.
- Type "python Machine_Learning_Sim/" in the terminal under the Gitpod browser without the quotation marks.
- Press enter
You can also run my Racing Game in Gitpod, a free online dev environment for GitHub: