This is a translation of the xOBSE header files in to C so they can be parsed by Ghidra. Most of the datatypes are in the same header files that they are in in xOBSE.
Each class has 3 structs:
struct CLASSNAME_vtbl{
//this contains the virtual methods for the class
struct _CLASSNAME{
//this contains the data members of the class
int data0;
int data1;
//wrapper object to construct the final class structure
CLASSNAME_vtbl* _vtbl;
If used in ghidra, you will see a lot of _data._base._base._base.xxxx. ignore all the _data and _base, that's just traversing the inheritance tree.
This structure is used so inheritance works. A class inherits all the elements of its base class, EXCEPT the vtable. So we have to have the vtable be a separate element that is only included in the final structure. When creating a derived class, include the base class's _CLASSNAME struct as the first element of the derived class's _CLASSNAME. So you end up with a data structure looking like
child VTBL*---------->CHILDCLASS_VTBL{
//_CHILDCLASS start parent_method0()
parent_data0 parent_method1()
parent_data1 ...
... child_method0
child_data0 child_method1
child_data1 }