A discord bot for anything space, planets etc related, using some of NASA open apis and more.
Astronomy picture of the day
- Get the Astronomy picture of the day (with additional option to choose a random date or specify your own aswell).
- Command: !apod
- Aliases: !pic, !picture, !astropic
- Optional usages: !apod {date} / !apod random
Latest pictures from Mars
- Get random latest pictures of Mars, taken either by the Curiosity Rover or the Perseverance Rover, using the official NASA API.
- Command: !mars
- Aliases: !mpic, !marspic
Mars weather update
- Get the latest mars weather reports from the Perseverance Rover, from the "MarsWxReport" twitter account.
- Command: !marsweather
- Aliases: !mw, !mweather
UFO News (Conspiracy Theory Stuff)
- Get the latest ufo conspiracy theory video (from the popular channel 'secureteam10'). Made this for my buddy.
- Command: !ufo
- Aliases: !ufovid, !ufonews
Latest captures by the Mars rovers
- Get the latest video from the popular channel "iGadgetPro" about Perseverance & Curiosity capturing cool stuff on Mars.
- Command: !marsvid
- Aliases: !mvid
Mars news
- Get the latest news about Mars from nasa news website.
- Command: !marsnews
- Aliases: !mn, !mnews
Space news & other cool updates
- Get the latest video with either some space news, explanations or updates on things we already knew (from the wonderful channel 'whatdamath' aka Anton Petrov).
- Command: !spacenews
- Aliases: !sn, !anton
Bonus feature: simple calculator
- Easily calculate stuff with just one command, using 'simplecalculator' module.
- Command example: !calc 2 + 2
- Aliases: !calculate, !calculator