This project is an Open Text branded version of the Swagger UI.
It can be used from another Java project by including the following dependency:
To override swagger configuration params include a opentext-config.js file, similar to the one here:
Swagger configuration params that can be set in opentext-config.js:
- url: "api-docs/swagger.yaml"
- dom_id: "#swagger-ui
- operationsSorter: "alpha"
- tagsSorter: "alpha"
- docExpansion: "none"
- defaultModelsExpandDepth: -1
- deepLinking: true
For a complete list of swagger configuration params refer Swagger configuration params.
- Add the module as a
dependency. - Include a resource file called opentext-config.js with the swagger configuration overrides, similar to the one here. Make sure to overide the "url" param to point to your swagger contract.
- To facilitate serving static resources in Spring Boot override the
function in
public void addResourceHandlers(final ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
// Configure the external-facing URI path by adding a resource handler
final ResourceHandlerRegistration resourceHandlerRegistration = registry.addResourceHandler("/swagger/**");
// Map that external-facing URI path internally to the physical path where the resources are actually located
final ResourceChainRegistration resourceChainRegistration = resourceRegistration.resourceChain(true);
resourceChainRegistration.addResolver(new PathResourceResolver());
- Add the module as a
dependency. - Include a resource file called swagger-ui-config.js to override the swagger configuration, similar to the one here. Make sure to overide the "url" param to point to your swagger contract.
- To facilitate serving static resources in Dropwizard add AssetBundles
public void initialize(Bootstrap<T> bootstrap) {
bootstrap.addBundle(new AssetsBundle(
"/META-INF/resources/webjars/opentext-swagger-ui-dist/2.0.0/", "/swagger/", "index.html", "swagger-ui"));
bootstrap.addBundle(new AssetsBundle(
"/swagger-ui-config.js", "/swagger/opentext-config.js", null, "swagger-ui-config"));
- Include a resource file called opentext-config.js with the swagger configuration overrides, similar to the one here. Make sure to overide the "url" param to point to your swagger contract.
- Repackage the swagger assets into the war file to be deployed in Tomcat.
Unpack the swagger-ui artifact excluding the default configuration file
Package the war file with the swagger-ui assets and the swagger-ui configuration overide file
<!--Include swagger-ui assets-->
<!--Include opentext-config.js overide file from src/main/html-->
<!--Include swagger contract-->
This module, opentext-swagger-ui-dist
, is a dependency-free module that includes everything required to serve OpenText-branded Swagger UI in a server-side project, or a single-page application that can't resolve npm module dependencies.
npm install git+ssh://[email protected]/MicroFocus/swagger-ui.git#v2.0.0-dist
Or alternatively if you prefer not to use a git url:
npm install