Currently, this work is a very early work in progress. Refer to for the reference implementation.
Install the compiler toolchain and the BLAS/LAPACK library:
sudo apt install build-essentials
# Use Openblas or Atlas or the original BLAS/LAPACK.
sudo apt install libopenblas-dev
Install Meson the build system:
cd MicroscPSF-Cpp/
python3 -m venv .venv/
.venv/bin/pip3 install meson ninja
Compile everything
cd MicroscPSF-Cpp/
meson setup build/
ninja -C build all
Test everything
cd MicroscPSF-Cpp/build/
ninja test
(Optional) Install the example app
ninja install
cd MicroscPSF-Cpp/build/
meson configure -Dinstall_examples=true
ninja all
sudo ninja install
First, follow the Quick start instructions to build the example app. Then, given the following microscope configurations in the screenshot...
... program the example C++ file at examples/generate-psf.cpp
microscope_params_t params{};
params.NA = 1.4;
params.ti0 = 150.0_um; = 1.5;
params.ni0 = 1.5;
params.pz = 2.0_um;
precision_li2017_t precision{};
precision.num_basis = 153;
precision.rho_samples = 1000;
const auto psf =
makePSF(params, {0.1_um, 0.25_um}, {256, 128}, 0.610_um, precision);
Next, repeat the Quick start steps to re-compile the C++ app. Run ninja test
to invoke the compiled example. Locate the outputs psf_xy.pgm
, psf_xz.pgm
and psf.h5
. The XZ cross-section of the C++-simulated PSF should match the
screenshot above.
- The original ISO C++ proposal:
- GCC compiler support status:
- Clang support status:
- Clang support ticket: llvm/llvm-project#99939