Build 17110
For general Windows information on build 17110 visit the Windows Blog.
- Allow /init to be terminated from Windows [GH 2928].
- DrvFs now uses per-directory case sensitivity by default (equivalent to the “case=dir” mount option).
- Using “case=force” (the old behavior) requires setting a registry key. Run the following command to enable “case=force” if you need to use it: reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lxss /v DrvFsAllowForceCaseSensitivity /t REG_DWORD /d 1
- If you have existing directories created with WSL in older version of Windows which need to be case sensitive, use fsutil.exe to mark them as case sensitive: fsutil.exe file setcasesensitiveinfo enable
- NULL terminate strings returned from the uname syscall.
- No fixes.
LTP Results:
Testing in progress.