HakeScript • Usage • Design • Install • Build • Notes
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
import Hake
main ∷ IO ()
main = hake $ do
"clean | clean the project" ∫
cargo ["clean"] ?> removeDirIfExists targetPath
"update | update dependencies" ∫ cargo ["update"]
salieriExecutable ♯
cargo <| "build" : buildFlagsSalieri False
amadeusExecutable ◉ [salieriExecutable] ♯♯
cargo <| "build" : buildFlagsAmadeus False
"fat | build Amadeus and Salieri with fat LTO" ∫
cargo <| "build" : buildFlagsSalieri True
>> cargo <| "build" : buildFlagsAmadeus True
"install | install to system" ◉ [ "fat" ] ∰
cargo <| "install" : buildFlagsAmadeus True
"test | build and test" ◉ [amadeusExecutable] ∰ do
cargo ["test"]
cargo ["clippy"]
rawSystem amadeusExecutable ["--version"]
>>= checkExitCode
"restart | restart services" ◉ [ salieriExecutable
, amadeusExecutable ] ∰ do
systemctl ["restart", appNameSalieri]
systemctl ["restart", appNameAmadeus]
"run | run Amadeus" ◉ [ amadeusExecutable ] ∰ do
cargo . (("run" : buildFlagsAmadeus False) ++) . ("--" :) =<< getHakeArgs
appNameSalieri ∷ String
appNameSalieri = "salieri"
appNameAmadeus ∷ String
appNameAmadeus = "amadeus"
targetPath ∷ FilePath
targetPath = "target"
buildPath ∷ FilePath
buildPath = targetPath </> "release"
salieriFeatures ∷ [String]
salieriFeatures = [ "kafka" ]
amadeusFeatures ∷ [String]
amadeusFeatures = [ "trackers"
, "torch" ]
fatArgs ∷ [String]
fatArgs = [ "--profile"
, "fat-release" ]
buildFlagsSalieri ∷ Bool -> [String]
buildFlagsSalieri fat =
let defaultFlags = [ "-p", appNameSalieri
, "--release", "--features"
, intercalate "," salieriFeatures ]
in if fat then defaultFlags ++ fatArgs
else defaultFlags
buildFlagsAmadeus ∷ Bool -> [String]
buildFlagsAmadeus fat =
let defaultFlags = [ "-p", appNameAmadeus
, "--release", "--features"
, intercalate "," amadeusFeatures ]
in if fat then defaultFlags ++ fatArgs
else defaultFlags
salieriExecutable ∷ FilePath
salieriExecutable =
{- HLINT ignore "Redundant multi-way if" -}
if | os ∈ ["win32", "mingw32", "cygwin32"] → buildPath </> appNameSalieri ++ ".exe"
| otherwise → buildPath </> appNameSalieri
amadeusExecutable ∷ FilePath
amadeusExecutable =
{- HLINT ignore "Redundant multi-way if" -}
if | os ∈ ["win32", "mingw32", "cygwin32"] → buildPath </> appNameAmadeus ++ ".exe"
| otherwise → buildPath </> appNameAmadeus
> hake --help
-v --version Display Version
-h --help Display Help
-f --force force script rebuild
-P --pretend pretend building (testing hake script)
Current HakeScript options:
clean : clean the project
fat : build Amadeus and Salieri with fat LTO
install : install to system
restart : restart services
test : build and test
update : update dependencies
Current HakeScript objects:
amadeus (salieri)
In root of your project you create file hake.hs
then you run hake
or hake clean
or whatever other options you add to the script,
please use src/Hake.hs
to learn about all the operators, I will add more examples another time.
Design of this thing is imperative. At first hake will compile (if not compiled) hakescript file (which is basically haskell file with Hake library and wrapper right after main) so we have actual actions compiled and we don't parse them. After that hake will execute compiled hakescript file (aka hake
) with passing arguments, when hake is executing we gather objects and phony (same terms as in Makefile but with optional syntax sugar and operators) strings into Data.IORef
structure where we connect actions with obj and phony stuff, next we know what is our target action is (based on passed arguments) and we execute all it's dependencencies (dependencencies of dependencencies first) etc, recursively starting from needed ones without dependencencies. Once action has executed we drop it from IORef structure and check for new action without dependencencies, eventually we execute target action in the very end.
just cabal install
should install library and executable to userspace
or you can use my .ebuild
from Overlay and
emerge hake
stack build
some cabal commands
with hake installed: