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The Box Content Preview UI Element allows developers to easily embed high quality and interactive previews of Box files in their desktop or mobile web application. The JavaScript library fetches information about the file and its converted representations through the Box API, chooses the appropriate viewer for the file type, dynamically loads the necessary static assets and file representations, and finally renders the file. Box Content Preview also allows previews of multiple files to be loaded in the same container and exposes arrows to navigate between those files.

This UI Element powers Preview in the main Box web application as well as the 'expiring embed' Box API endpoint.

Browser Support

  • Desktop Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Internet Explorer 11
  • Limited support for mobile web - previews will render but some controls may not work

If you are using Internet Explorer 11, which doesn't natively support promises, include a script (see sample code below) or a Promise library like Bluebird.

Current Version

  • Version: v1.0.0
  • Locale: en-US

Supported Locales

To use a different locale, replace en-US in the URLs above with any of the following supported locales.

en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-US, da-DK, de-DE, es-ES, fi-FI, fr-CA, fr-FR, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, nb-NO, nl-NL, pl-PL, pt-BR, ru-RU, sv-SE, tr-TR, zh-CN, zh-TW

Supported File Types

Box Content Preview supports 100+ file types, including most document and image formats, HD video, 3D models, 360-degress images, and 360-degree videos. You can find the full list of supported file types at


You can self-host the Box Content Preview UI Element or reference the versions available on Box's CDN.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Box Content Preview Demo</title>

    <!-- only loads a Promise polyfill if your browser needs one -->
    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- Latest version of Preview SDK for your locale -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
    <div class="preview-container" style="height:400px;width:575px"></div>
        var preview = new Box.Preview();'93392244621', 'EqFyi1Yq1tD9mxY8F38sxDfp73pFd7FP', {
    	    container: '.preview-container'

CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)

For security purposes, you must whitelist your application's HTTP origin, omitting any trailing slash, in the configuration section of the Developer Console. For example, CodePen's domain is whitelisted for the demo application below.

Screenshot of CORS whitelist


View a demo and sample code on CodePen -


var preview = new Box.Preview();, accessToken, { options });

Where fileId is a string Box_File id and accessToken is a Box API access token.

Parameters & Options

var preview = new Box.Preview();, accessToken, {
    container: '.preview-container',
    sharedLink: '',
    sharedLinkPassword: 'bar',
    collection: [FILE_ID, '123', '234', ...],
    header: 'light',
    logoUrl: '',
    showAnnotations: true,
    showDownload: true
Parameter Description
fileId Box file ID
accessToken Either a string auth token or a token generator function, see below for details
Option Default Description
container document.body DOM node or selector where Preview should be placed
sharedLink Shared link URL
sharedLinkPassword Shared link password
collection List of file IDs to iterate over for previewing
header 'light' String value of 'none' or 'dark' or 'light' that controls header visibility and theme
logoUrl URL of logo to show in header
showAnnotations false Whether annotations and annotation controls are shown. This option will be overridden by viewer-specific annotation options if they are set.
showDownload false Whether download button is shown
useHotkeys true Whether hotkeys (keyboard shortcuts) are enabled

Access Token

Box Content Preview needs an access token to make Box API calls. You can either get an access token from the token endpoint ( or generate a developer token on your application management page (

If your application requires the end user to only be able to access a subset of the Content Preview functionality, you can use Token Exchange to appropriately downscope your App/Managed or Service Account token to a resulting token that has the desired set of permissions, and can thus, be securely passed to the end user client initializing the Content Preview.

Below are a set of new UI Element-specific scopes to go alongside Token Exchange. These allow developers to enable/disable UI controls on the Content Preview by configuring the appropriate scopes on the downscoped token. To learn more, see Special Scopes for Box UI Elements.

Wish to learn more about when, why and how you can use Token Exchange with the Content Preview? See our blueprint on Customizing Access for the Box UI Elements.

Base Scope

Scope Name What permissions does it grant?
base_preview Allows preview access to a file or files in a folder based on user/file/token permissions

Feature Scopes

Scope Name What permissions does it grant?
item_download Allows files/folders contents to be downloaded
annotation_view_self Allows user to view their own annotations
annotation_view_all Allows user to view all annotations on the file
annotation_edit Allows user to edit their own annotations (includes annotation_view_self)

Sample Scenarios

Scenario Scope Combinations
User wants basic preview functionality + download base_preview + item_download
User wants basic preview functionality + ability to edit own annotations base_preview + annotation_edit
User wants basic preview functionality + ability to view all annotations + ability to edit own annotations base_preview + annotation_view_all + annotation_edit


The name of a viewer can be one of the following Document, Presentation, MP3, MP4, Dash, Image, Text, SWF, Image360, Video360, Model3d, CSV, Markdown. Call preview.getViewers() to get the list of possible viewers.

Additional Methods

preview.hide() hides the preview.

preview.updateCollection(/* Array[file ids] */ collection) updates the collection to navigate through. Assumes the currently visible file is part of this new collection.

preview.getCurrentCollection() returns the current collection if any.

preview.getCurrentFile() returns the current file being previewed if any. The file object structure is the same as returned by the Box API.

preview.getCurrentViewer() returns the current viewer instance. May be undefined if the viewer isn't ready yet and waiting on conversion to happen.

preview.enableViewers(/* String|Array[String] */ viewers) enables one or more viewers based on VIEWERNAME.

preview.disableViewers(/* String|Array[String] */ viewers) disables one or more viewers based on VIEWERNAME. Viewers can also be disabled by setting disabled: true on the specific viewer option inside options.

preview.enableHotkeys() enables hotkeys (keyboard shortcuts).

preview.disableHotkeys() disables hotkeys (keyboard shortcuts).

preview.print() prints the file if printable. downloads the file if downloadable.

preview.resize() resizes the current preview if applicable. This function only needs to be called when preview's viewport has changed while the window object has not. If the window is resizing, then preview will automatically resize itself.

preview.getViewers() lists all the available viewers.

preview.prefetchViewers() prefetches the static assets for all the available viewers for browser to cache for performance.


The preview object exposes addListener and removeListener for binding to events. Event listeners should be bound before show() is called, otherwise events can be missed.

var preview = new Box.Preview();
var listener = (value) => {
    // Do something with value

// Attach listener before calling show otherwise events can be missed
preview.addListener(EVENTNAME, listener);

// Show a preview;

// Remove listener when appropriate
preview.removeListener(EVENTNAME, listener);

EVENTNAME can be one of the following

  • viewer event will be fired when we have the viewer instance first available. This will be the same object that is also a property included in the load event. Preview fires this event before load so that clients can attach their listeners before the load event is fired.

  • load event will be fired on every preview load when show() is called or if inter-preview navigation occurs. The event data will contain:

      error: 'message', // Error message if any error occurred while loading
      viewer: {...},    // Instance of the current viewer object if no error occurred
      metrics: {...},   // Performance metrics
      file: {...}       // Box file object with properties defined in file.js
  • navigate event will be fired when navigation happens. The event includes the file ID of the file being navigated to, and this event will fire before load.

  • notification event will be fired when either the preview wrapper or one of the viewers wants to notify something like a warning or non-fatal error. The event data will contain:

      message: 'message', // Message to show
      type: 'warning'    // 'warning', 'notice', or 'error'
  • viewerevent Each viewer will fire its own sets of events. For example, the Image viewer will fire rotate or resize, etc. while other viewers may fire another set of events. The preview wrapper will also re-emit events at the preview level, with event data containing:
      event: EVENTNAME,         // Event name
      data: DATA,               // Event data object
      viewerName: VIEWERNAME,   // Name of the viewer. See VIEWERNAME above
      fileId: fileId            // The file id

Example event usage

preview.addListener('viewer', (viewer) => {
    viewer.addListener('rotate', () => {
        // Do something when a viewer rotates a preview

preview.addListener('load', (data) => {
    var viewer = data.viewer;
    viewer.addListener('rotate', () => {
        // Do something when a viewer rotates a preview

preview.addListener('viewerevent', (data) => {
    if (data.viewerName === 'Image') {
        if (data.event === 'rotate') {
            // Do something when an image preview is rotated
    } else if (data.viewerName === 'Image360') {
        if (data.event === 'rotate') {
            // Do something different when a 360-degree image is rotated
    } else {}

preview.addListener('rotate', (data) => {
    if (data.viewerName === 'Image') {
        // Do something when an image preview is rotated
    } else if (data.viewerName === 'Image360') {
        // Do something different when a 360-degree image is rotated
    } else {}

Development Setup

  1. Install Node v6.10.0 or higher.
  2. Install yarn package manager Alternatively, you can replace any yarn command with npm.
  3. Fork the upstream repo
  4. Clone your fork locally git clone [email protected]:[YOUR GITHUB USERNAME]/box-content-preview.git.
  5. Navigate to the cloned folder cd box-content-preview
  6. Add the upstream repo to your remotes git remote add upstream [email protected]:box/box-content-preview.git.
  7. Verify your remotes are properly set up git remote -v. You should pull updates from the Box repo upstream and push changes to your fork origin.
  8. Install dependencies yarn install
  9. Test your first build! yarn run build
  10. To automatically rsync files after a Webpack build, add a build/rsync.json file with a location field. This file should look like:

While Developing

Install the following plugins in your preferred editor

  • Editor Config (standardizes basic editor configuration)
  • ESLint (Javascript linting)
  • Prettier & Prettier - ESLint (Automatic Javascript formatting following ESLint config)
  • Stylelint (CSS linting)

Yarn commands

  • yarn run build to generate resource bundles and JS webpack bundles.
  • yarn run watch to only generate JS webpack bundles on file changes.
  • yarn run test launches karma tests with PhantomJS.
  • yarn run test -- --src=PATH/TO/SRC/FILENAME launches test only for src/lib/PATH/TO/SRC/__tests__/FILENAME-test.js instead of all tests. For example, yarn run test -- --src=viewers/media/MediaBase launches tests for src/lib/viewers/media/__tests__/MediaBase-test.js. This also works for directories, e.g. yarn run test -- --src=viewers/doc/.
  • yarn run debug launches karma tests with PhantomJS for debugging. Open the URL mentioned in the console.
  • yarn run debug -- --src=path/to/src/FILENAME launches debugging for src/lib/path/to/src/__tests__/FILENAME-test.js instead of all tests. Open the URL mentioned in the console.

For more script commands see package.json. Test coverage reports are available under reports/coverage.

Config files


Need to contact us directly? Email [email protected] and be sure to include the name of this project in the subject.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2016-2017 Box, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Box Software License Agreement v.20170516. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


JavaScript library for rendering files stored on Box







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  • JavaScript 95.3%
  • CSS 3.4%
  • Other 1.3%