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Security: MikeLawrenchuk/Shor-Lawrenchuk-Algorithm

Security Policy

Supported Versions

Only the latest version of the "Shor-Lawrenchuk-Algorithm" is eligible for receiving security updates and patches. Please ensure you're using the most recent release.

Version Supported latest :white_check_mark: < latest :x: Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a vulnerability, please take the following steps:

Do Not Open a Public Issue Avoid disclosing details about the vulnerability in public. Contact the Maintainers Through GitHub Go to the "Security" tab of the "Shor-Lawrenchuk-Algorithm" repository and click on "New security advisory" to privately report the vulnerability. Please provide as much information as possible about the vulnerability, including steps to reproduce if known. Response Time You should receive a response within 48 hours acknowledging your report. If you don't receive a response in this time frame, please follow up within the advisory. Public Disclosure After an initial assessment, a timeline for a fix will be communicated to you. The issue's details will be made public after a fix has been released, ensuring the community is informed and can protect themselves. Commitment

The maintainers take all security bugs in "Shor-Lawrenchuk-Algorithm" seriously. We appreciate your effort in responsibly disclosing your findings and will make every effort to acknowledge your contributions.

There aren’t any published security advisories