A JSON based standard for interchanging hydro, meteorological and environmental data. The main goal of this standard is to have a common way of interchanging and using HydroMet data via web services. Given the ease with importing JSON formatted objects programmatically, this standard has use cases in modeling as well.
Show what the library does as concisely as possible, developers should be able to figure out how your project solves their problem by looking at the code example. Make sure the API you are showing off is obvious, and that your code is short and concise.
####Retrieve 7 days of flow from a dam
[/getjson?query=["dwr flow"]&backward=7d](http://www.nwd-wc.usace.army.mil/dd/common/web_service/webexec/getjson?query=["dwr flow"]&backward=7d)
####Format time to be seconds past the epoch for use in client side plotting
[/getjson?query=["dwr flow"]&backward=7d&time_format=%s](http://www.nwd-wc.usace.army.mil/dd/common/web_service/webexec/getjson?query=["dwr flow"]&backward=7d&time_format=%s )
####List all available timeseries names for a given site:
####All available sites/Stations with metadata:
the purpose of hydroJSON is to standardize the interchange of timeseries data and metadata in a more modern, browser/mobile friendly format.
####Timeseries Query
"timeseries" : [["tsid1","units1","interval1"], ["tsid2","units2","interval2"], ["tsid3","units3","interval3"]],
"forward":"ISO-8601", //referenced from startdt, or datetime.now() if nothing specified
"back": "ISO-8601", //referenced from enddt, or datetime.now() if nothing specified
"query" : {"Stations":["BON","12340000","BIGI"], "Parameters":["Flow","03065","QD"]}
getjson?timeseries=[["CHJ Q","cfs","Daily"], ["CHJ.Flow.Inst.1Day.0.CBT-REV","kcfs"], ["12437990 00060","cfs"]]
####General Abstract Query
General abstract queries allow the end user to provide keywords. The service will return hydroJSON timeseries objects with the data they want.
getjson?query=["CHJ Daily Avg Flow"]
####Catalog Query
getjson?catalog=["CHJ Daily Avg Flow"]
####Most Recent Value Query
getjson?mostrecent=[["12437990", "cfs"]]
Describe and show how to run the tests with code examples.
- Gunnar Leffler
- Karl Tarbet
- Art Armour
- Mike Stanfill
- Mike Nielson
- Jeremy Kellett
- Dave Coyle