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Batch account location lookups for sparse ledger
deepthiskumar authored Dec 5, 2023


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2 parents 41de362 + 8169533 commit a882073
Showing 3 changed files with 43 additions and 29 deletions.
16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions src/lib/merkle_ledger/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -147,17 +147,23 @@ module T = struct
| Right ->
(sibling, base)

(* Returns a reverse of traversal path from top of the tree to the location
(direction to take and sibling's hash).contents
By reverse it means that head of returned list contains direction from
location's parent to the location along with the location's sibling.
let merkle_path_dependencies_exn (location : t) : (t * Direction.t) list =
let rec loop k acc =
if Addr.depth k = 0 then acc
let rec loop k =
if Addr.depth k = 0 then []
let sibling = Hash (Addr.sibling k) in
let sibling_dir = last_direction k in
loop (Addr.parent_exn k) ((sibling, sibling_dir) :: acc)
let dir = last_direction k in
(sibling, dir) :: loop (Addr.parent_exn k)
match location with
| Hash addr ->
List.rev (loop addr [])
loop addr
| _ ->
failwith "can only get merkle path dependencies of a hash location"

49 changes: 28 additions & 21 deletions src/lib/merkle_mask/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -183,17 +183,33 @@ module Make (Inputs : Inputs_intf.S) = struct
| None ->
Base.get (get_parent t) location

let get_batch t locations =
let self_find_or_batch_lookup self_find lookup_parent t ids =
assert_is_attached t ;
let found_accounts, leftover_locations =
List.partition_map locations ~f:(fun location ->
match self_find_account t location with
| Some account ->
Either.first (location, Some account)
| None ->
Either.second location )
let self_found_or_none = ids ~f:(fun id -> (id, self_find t id))
let not_found =
List.filter_map self_found_or_none ~f:(function
| id, None ->
Some id
| _ ->
None )
let from_parent = lookup_parent (get_parent t) not_found in
let _, res =
List.fold_map self_found_or_none ~init:from_parent
~f:(fun from_parent (id, self_found) ->
match (self_found, from_parent) with
| None, r :: rest ->
(rest, r)
| Some _, _ ->
(from_parent, (id, self_found))
| _ ->
failwith "unexpected number of results from DB" )
found_accounts @ Base.get_batch (get_parent t) leftover_locations

let get_batch = self_find_or_batch_lookup self_find_account Base.get_batch

(* fixup_merkle_path patches a Merkle path reported by the parent,
overriding with hashes which are stored in the mask *)
@@ -533,18 +549,9 @@ module Make (Inputs : Inputs_intf.S) = struct
| None ->
Base.location_of_account (get_parent t) account_id

let location_of_account_batch t account_ids =
assert_is_attached t ;
let found_locations, leftover_account_ids =
List.partition_map account_ids ~f:(fun account_id ->
match self_find_location t account_id with
| Some location ->
Either.first (account_id, Some location)
| None ->
Either.second account_id )
@ Base.location_of_account_batch (get_parent t) leftover_account_ids
let location_of_account_batch =
self_find_or_batch_lookup self_find_location

(* not needed for in-memory mask; in the database, it's currently a NOP *)
let make_space_for t =
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/lib/mina_ledger/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ let of_ledger_root ledger =

let of_ledger_subset_exn (oledger : Ledger.t) keys =
let ledger = Ledger.copy oledger in
let locations = Ledger.location_of_account_batch ledger keys in
let _, sparse =
List.fold keys
~f:(fun (new_keys, sl) key ->
match Ledger.location_of_account ledger key with
List.fold locations
~f:(fun (new_keys, sl) (key, loc) ->
match loc with
| Some loc ->
( new_keys
, add_path sl

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