This was created as part of an educational for the Western Founders Network computer vision and machine learning educational session.
The final demo can be seen here and below:
notebook.ipynb contains a full tutorial of basic computer vision and machine learning concepts, including:
- What computers see
- Image Filters and Functions
- Blurring
- Dilating
- Erosion
- Canny Edge Detectors
- Thresholding
- Background Subtraction Techniques
- Using a background image to find differences
- Using motion based background subtraction algorithms
- Contours
- Finding and sorting contours
- Tracking
- (Deep) Neural Networks
- (Deep) Convolutional Neural Networks
- Demo Project: Gesture Recognition
- Extracting the subject
- Tracking the hand
- Collecting data
- Building the Neural Network
- Preparing Data for Training
- Training the Network
- Plotting Model History
Note: Please check the issues on this repo if you're having problems with the notebook.
- Install Anaconda ( or Miniconda ( to save hard drive space
- Start an Anaconda Prompt. (Search Anaconda in the start menu.)
Use the spec-file.txt provided, install identical packages
$ conda create -n [ENV_NAME] --file spec-file.txt # create new env with same packages
or, if you have an existing environment
$ conda install -n [ENV_NAME] --file spec-file.txt # install packages into an existing env
Then activate the environment
$ activate cv
Install OpenCV3 (
Download whl file
Download “opencv_python 3.4.0+contrib cp35 cp35m win32.whl” or “opencv_python 3.4.0+contrib cp35 cp35m win_amd64.whl” for 32bit and 64bit respectively
Install package
$ pip install [file path]
Using the environment.yml file provided, run
$ conda create -n cv --file environment.yml
or, if you have an existing environment
$ conda install -n [ENV_NAME] --file environment.yml # install packages into an existing env
Activate the environment
$ activate cv
Install OpenCV3 (
Download whl file
Download “opencv_python 3.4.0+contrib cp35 cp35m win32.whl” or “opencv_python 3.4.0+contrib cp35 cp35m win_amd64.whl” for 32bit and 64bit respectively
Install the package
$ pip install [file path]
Create and activate a Python 3.5 conda environment called cv.
$ conda create -n cv python=3.5 $ activate cv
Install Numpy (
$ conda install numpy
Install Matplotlib (
$ conda install matplotlib
Install Keras (
$ conda install keras
- This should also install tensorflow
Install h5py (
$ conda install h5py
Install OpenCV3 (
Download whl file
Download “opencv_python 3.4.0+contrib cp35 cp35m win32.whl” or “opencv_python 3.4.0+contrib cp35 cp35m win_amd64.whl” for 32bit and 64bit respectively
Install package
$ pip install [file path]
Install Jupyter Notebook (
$ conda install jupyter notebook
Install IPython (
$ conda install ipython
- Install Anaconda ( or Miniconda ( to save hard drive space
For Miniconda, open terminal and navigate to the directory you downloaded to and run:
$ bash
For Anaconda, double click the Anaconda3-5.0.1-MacOSX-x86_64.pkg file you downloaded
For Miniconda, open a terminal and navigate to the directory you downloaded to and run:
$ bash
For Anaconda, open a terminal and navigate to the directory you downloaded to and run:
$ bash
Create and activate a Python 3.5 conda environment called cv.
$ conda create -n cv python=3.5 $ source activate cv
Install Numpy (
$ conda install numpy
Install Matplotlib (
$ conda install matplotlib
Install Keras (
$ conda install keras
- This should also install tensorflow
Install h5py (
$ conda install h5py
Install Jupyter Notebook (
$ conda install jupyter notebook
Install IPython (
$ conda install ipython
Install OpenCV3 (
$ conda install -c conda-forge opencv
if the
import cv2
does not work with this install, try instead:$ conda install -c opencv3