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Preservation of Orbital Forcing in Incomplete Carbonate Successions

Repository for the poster at the 17th Bathurst Meeting (International Meeting of Carbonate Sedimentologists) in Naples, Italy, 5-7 September 2023.


Cyclostratigraphy has the potential to establish relative ages in sedimentary records with a temporal resolution greater than that of absolute dating methods such as radiometric dating. Though, stratigraphic incompleteness complicates this process and is a source for uncertainty in cyclostratigraphic age-depth models. As a result, cyclostratigraphic studies on sedimentary archives from pelagic and hemi-pelagic environments are usually less contested than those on more shallow-water sections. To better quantify the impact of stratigraphic incompleteness on cyclostratigraphic results, we first quantify stratigraphic completeness throughout a carbonate platform, and then assess the impact on the recorded Milanković signal.
Two-dimensional dip-sections generated by CarboCAT models of carbonate platform growth forced with insulation-driven eustatic sea-level oscillations generate synthetic stratigraphic columns and proxy records, and these are analyzed for presence of an insolation signal using the astrochron package.
Our results show that if sea-level is driven by a Milanković signal, shallow water carbonate successions with moderate incompleteness are capable of recording said signal. This suggests that under accommodation-forcing by a Milanković signal, cyclostratigraphy can help establish relative time scales in shallow water environments.


Niklas Hohmann (Presenter, Maintainer)
Utrecht University
email: n.h.hohmann [at]
Web page:
ORCID: 0000-0003-1559-1838

Peter Burgess
University of Liverpool
Web page:

David De Vleeschouwer
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Web page:
ORCID: 0000-0002-3323-807X

Emilia Jarochowska
Utrecht University
email: e.b.jarochowska [at]
Web page:
ORCID: 0000-0001-8937-9405



Reproduction of Results

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Repository Structure

  • data : Folder
    • matlab_outputs : Data generated by CarboCATLite
    • r_outputs : Sea level curves
  • figs : Folder with figures
  • poster : Folder with poster
  • src : Folder with code
    • R : folder with R code
      • utils.R : Utility functions to generate SL curve
      • analysis.R : Main analysis
  • .gitignore : untracked files
  • LICENSE : License text
  • README : Readme file
  • REPRODUCEME : Intructions for reproduction of results
  • CITATION.cff : CItation info
  • preservation-orbital-forcing-carbonate-successions.Rproj : Project file for Rstudio IDE


To cite this repository, please use

  • Hohmann, Niklas, Burgess, Peter, De Vleeschouwer, David, & Emilia Jarochowska. (2023). Preservation of Orbital Forcing in Incomplete Carbonate Successions (v1.0.2). Zenodo.


Copyright 2023 Netherlands eScience Center and Utrecht University


Apache 2.0 License, see LICENSE file for license text.

Funding information

Funded by the European Union (ERC, MindTheGap, StG project no 101041077). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. European Union and European Research Council logos