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This repository was archived by the owner on May 27, 2024. It is now read-only.
Daniel Voznyy edited this page Sep 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Status of the plugin and wiki

Mobzy is currently undergoing many changes as it's being rewritten to support an Entity Component System for custom entities, as well as clean configuration of custom entites, and eventually tools like Goal-Oriented Action Planners (GOAP) for mob AI.

This wiki is also very much in progress. It's meant to highlight some features that are more likely to stay consistent for end users, but don't be surprised about any API changes for now. For now, it will likely only be useful for people wanting to work on Mine in Abyss mobs specifically.

Future plans

The ECS will be split into three parts:

  • geary: The actual ECS itself, not requiring Spigot.
  • mobzy: Mob specific components and systems and GOAP for AI.
  • looty: Item specific components and systems, as well as a way of efficiently keeping track of items in inventory.


Creating Custom Mobs

Non-coder guide to making your own mobs




  • TODO

Other stuff

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